1.6 Update Patch Notes – Stardew Valley Guide


New content in the 1.6 patch notes

Here are some reflexes Of the major content updates included in Stardew Valley update 1.6:

New type of farm: Added a new type of farm… prairie farm. It has a chewy blue grass that animals love. You also start with a chicken coop and 2 chickens.

pet passage: Reduced the amount of time you need to push a pet before it starts shaking and then allows you to pass through it (1.5 -> 0.75 seconds).

Mayonnaise: You can now drink mayonnaise.

Jars and bottles: Jelly, pickles, wines, and juices are now colored based on ingredient.

Honeymoon period: Husbands They now have a seven-day “honeymoon” period after marriage, which prevents them from lying in bed all day due to discomfort.


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