3 zodiac signs are the luckiest in love on February 13, 2024


February 13, 2024 is the day when many of us ask our lovers: ‘What do you want for Valentine’s Day?’ We would like to please introduce ourselves. Even if our partners laugh at us because it’s such a silly and ridiculous “party,” we might feel that a day to celebrate our love wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all. Why not?

What we have on our side, romantically, this day is the Venus/Neptune transit, which will really stimulate our imagination and possibly even make us tell our partner what we want for Valentine’s Day. “Well, since you asked…” Here’s an open opportunity to start a conversation about any topic in the world. If you really want something, whether it’s a physical ‘object’ or something completely different, February 13, 2024 would be a great day to open your mouth and ask.

During Venus and Neptune, we feel like we have a spiritual connection with the person we love. While we may feel like all we have to do is look at them “the right way,” our message will easily get across. This transit provides something more than the ability to connect psychically with our partner. This is a great day to show empathy and kindness, be there for them, reach out and share dreams of the future.

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

“Well, since you asked…” When your partner asks you if there’s anything you want specifically for Valentine’s Day or whenever, this will be your answer. That’s when they roll out the list of “things you want,” much to your surprise and amazement. Some of what you want is just a joke. You are taking this day very lightly. During Venus/Neptune on February 13, 2024, it’s all about that feeling of lightness and the ease with which you communicate your thoughts to your partner.

The truth is, all you really want is truth and security. You want to know that your partner is being honest with you and you want to know that they mean it when they tell you that they love you. You have enough experience in this life to know one thing, and that thing is reiterated during Venus and Neptune. You have to live in the truth when it comes to love and romance. Lies are useless and empty promises have no place in your world.

Neptune’s energy fuels your imagination and that awakens your sense of humor, which is notoriously hilarious. You have always been a fun person, Aries, and you are also capable of joking with good humor. During Venus/Neptune on February 13, 2024, you’ll do a little of both, and the best thing is that your partner knows you inside and out, and expects everything from you… but that doesn’t mean they’re not surprised by you. . They are, in every sense.

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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 – December 21)

What gives you that feeling of closeness with the person you love is the feeling that they can read your mind, and that really comes in handy when you don’t have the words to express yourself, which is actually quite rare for you. Sagittarius, as a zodiac sign, is practically a master of word games. Still, it’s nice to not have to explain everything, since part of that mastery also leads you to blurt out and speak out of turn on a regular basis.

With Venus and Neptune in the sky on February 13, 2024, you’ll be feeling frisky. You’ll want to tease your partner and have them “guess” what’s on your mind. Naturally, due to their incredible bond, they will guess what is on your mind and continue the game, much to your surprise. That’s why you love this person. They always keep you on your toes and during Venus/Neptune, they will surprise you with their incredible imagination.

The really good thing is that you can relax on this day. You don’t have to take the initiative or feel like you have to take control of the direction of the day. If you have plans to ‘celebrate’ Valentine’s Day when it comes, then you can share some ideas about what you would like to do on this day, February 13, 2024. What you have on your side is the dream transit. of Venus and Neptune at your service.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22 – January 19)

During Venus with Neptune on February 13, 2024, you and your partner will look at each other with a knowing smile and realize that you have made it through the tough times. Now, if you are both aware of how you manage your time together, you will be able to set sail on a new adventure, since this day is full of positivity and the idea that everything can and will get better.

You are no longer satisfied with accepting things as they are, since much of what constitutes the stagnation of a relationship that is not working is just that. They both gave up, and during Venus with Neptune, they both want to breathe new life into what they both know can work. There is no reason to give up and you are inspired to get to work. Why waste time believing in the idea that “all is lost” when nothing is lost? What is lost, as of February 13, 2024, is your sense of failure. No more, Capricorn.

So here’s a toast to new beginnings, as you and your partner decide together that it’s much more worth it if you both try instead of giving in out of laziness. Venus with Neptune allows you to see the future and know that that future depends entirely on what you do now, during the present. You can write your romantic future by starting page one this day, February 13, 2024. Go ahead. This is your Life.

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ruby miranda Interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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