3 zodiac signs do their thing on February 12, 2024


Are you getting tired of the pressure to be the perfect person, the person who, by now, should ‘be something more than you are’?

In February, people tend to want to change their habits, since we are in the middle of winter.

If we ever had to prepare for our return to spring, now is the time to do it all together. What if we’re not there yet and we want everyone to go away?

This is how three zodiac signs will feel on this day, February 12, 2024. We have the Moon in Aries behind us and, seriously, we don’t want to hear another word about how we should do it this way or how we’re doing it wrong.

We are fully aware of what should be and what should not be, and the key component here, for us, is time. We will do the best we can as long as we do it our way, at our own pace.

While February 12, 2024 may seem difficult, it is actually about our perception of other people’s pushy and insistent behavior. Because we are dealing with the Moon in Aries, we may end up rudely criticizing those who simply make a suggestion, since that is exactly what we are not open to.

Enough of the suggestions! Let’s do our thing whenever we want, whenever we want!

Three signs of the zodiac with approximate horoscopes on February 12, 2024:

1. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

The person who puts the worst pressure on you is you, yourself, Gemini, and you may feel that this day “has something to do with you.” While the day itself doesn’t do anything, the idea that it’s already February 12, 2024 makes you feel like you’re the only one lagging behind. While this may or may not be true, you will find that during this day’s transit, the Moon in Aries, you are not kind to yourself.

Even though you have big plans in store, you feel like you’re working hard to make them a reality. You also feel like distractions are bombarding you. Something inside you makes you realize that maybe it’s not coming from an external place.

Maybe you’re the one standing in your way. Maybe you are your own worst enemy when it comes to moving forward. You’ve always been a little afraid of change, and if change is what’s needed, then maybe this is the day you realize how much you’ve been hesitating.

You don’t like putting yourself down. You know you will recover and get your act together. Since the Moon in Aries makes everything seem a little more difficult for you, Gemini, what you can do to combat the negative effects of the transit would be to use this “fear” to your advantage. Knowing that if you can overcome that obstacle, the world will open up for you. This is up to you and you have the inner confidence to get the job done. So do it.

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2. lion

(July 23 – August 22)

What you may see happening on this day, February 12, 2024, during the Moon in Aries, is that you promised yourself and you did it out loud. Now, on this day, everyone reminds you that you have not yet fulfilled that so-called promise.

You need to be reminded of what you haven’t done, as if THAT will help you speed things up to the happy “expected” conclusion.

While these people may be right, you don’t think it’s their business to remind you of what you haven’t done, since you’re more aware of it than anyone else. Yes, it is February 12, 2024.

You had this date in mind for important achievements, or at least you thought you would have already fulfilled some of the promised elements. It sounds like you haven’t accomplished what you set out to do, and during the Moon in Aries, you may feel very angry with yourself about the whole thing.

So, you can take this day either way. You can get depressed, feel sorry for yourself, and call yourself a big loser. Or you can do the Leo thing and rise up, start roaring and keep going.

Okay, so you missed some choice opportunities. That doesn’t mean “game over.” You’re still in the race, Leo, so use the energy that comes with the Moon in Aries and make it all happen. Don’t settle for laziness, even if it feels good to you. You know what you want, so make it happen.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22 – January 19)

It doesn’t take much for you to become discouraged by the fact that at that moment you didn’t even slightly achieve what you set out to do. On February 12, 2024, you may resort to your old style of mentally punishing yourself. You know this is regressive behavior and you’ve worked hard NOT to be “that” person.

So during the Moon in Aries, your reaction to the pressure of this day may be a kind of indulgence. You give in to old habits during the Moon in Aries and it’s not the best thing to do.

Every time you get angry with yourself, you tend to bring down the entire world with you. You are “misery loves company” to the billionth degree, and you absorb all the darkness into your soul; so dramatic!

Do what you want, Capricorn. Get over it quickly, as there are so many other important things you CAN accomplish. Your attention is needed, and the best thing will be for you to get out of this bad time and use the power of the Moon in Aries to your advantage.

February 12, 2024 shows you that you can overcome this obstacle and all you need to do is take a look at your past behavior.

You have managed to overcome all the obstacles in your life, so why would this moment of doubt be the one that totals you? Don’t be silly, Capricorn. You are a born ruler. Get back on that throne and do your thing, not because we expect you to. Because that’s what you do best and you know it.

RELATED: Why Are Capricorns So Loyal?

ruby miranda Interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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