3 zodiac signs lose feelings for someone on January 28, 2024


Saturn’s energy is wreaking havoc on many of us on this day, January 28, 2024. We might even find ourselves looking up at the sky with an expression that asks, “Why?” We may feel like victims of chance or that everything is too much to bear. We’re balancing this, that, and the other, and for some of us, numbness might set in.

Three zodiac signs who experience this phenomenon will know that they simply have to turn off their emotions if they want to mentally survive the day.

We all have days like this where we feel overwhelmed to the point that we can barely express ourselves properly. But it’s okay. It’s just what we do as human beings and, in a way, it’s self-defense.

If there is a transit that coincides with our emotional state on this day, January 28, 2024, it is the so-called Moon in front of Saturn, since this is the cosmic aspect that governs emotional closures.

We may present ourselves as cold, perhaps even cruel individuals… but we are not such a thing. We are simply inundated with “stuff” we can’t handle, and the only way to breathe is to take a step back so we can turn off all the feelings. These three zodiac signs have been down this road before; It’s what we must do to survive.

These zodiac signs lose feelings for someone on January 28, 2024:

1. Aries, you know that you can hold onto a huge amount of emotions.

You can bottle it up or spit it out all over the place, but when it comes to emotional volatility, you’re right up there with the big boys, as they say. Emotions are not something you can usually repress. Oh, you can control them, but you rarely pretend they don’t exist. During the Moon opposite Saturn on January 28, 2024, you will experience a reason to turn off the switch for the first time.

You don’t usually get to a point where you just shut down emotionally. Still, every once in a while, you find that something just “gets to you” and, on January 28, 2024, you may find yourself turning off your emotions to get through the day. There may be someone in your life who has pushed their luck…or pushed you over the edge, and shutting down from that person is your only response…and it’s real.

During the Moon opposite Saturn, you are not faking it. You are not just ‘acting cool’, you are completely frozen, as this is the only way to face the reality at hand. You’ve been pressured and this is how you react. That’s okay and you’ll get over it, but when things get bad in your life on January 28, 2024, during the Moon’s transit across Saturn, you’ll shut down, point-blank. What is done is done.

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2. Leo, you are closing the door.

What you will face on this day, January 28, 2024, is the idea that something has closed for you and that could mean a window of opportunity or an opportunity that you were supposed to take advantage of and that you did not take advantage of. This day comes with an important lesson for you, and that is that the door does not stay open forever and if you think you need to walk through that door, make your move now. Knowing you screwed up makes you feel like retreating into self-pity, but in your case, it will feel more like you’re shutting down your emotions to deal with it.

Well, now you know. Your big opportunity was offered to someone else and you are no longer competing for what they offered you. It’s over, and now, on January 28, 2024, you have to deal with it, and so, with the support of the Moon opposite Saturn, you deal with it by turning off your emotional intake button. You can’t hear another ‘bad thing’. You’re done for the day, cooked, burned to a crisp.

Will you move on easily? Of course you will, Leo. After all, you are a Leo and nothing stops you. However, it is on this day, January 28, 2024, that you feel that the only way to get over it is to completely shut down. Yes, yes, tomorrow is another day and all, and you’ll get to it when it gets here, but for now, during the Moon opposite Saturn, you are emotionally incapable of grasping the truth. In your own time, Leo. Everything’s fine.

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3. Scorpio, shutting down emotionally is something you’ve practically mastered like an art.

So when something pushes you over the edge, as it will on this day, January 28, 2024, you will resort to your constant state of waiting, which is emotional shutdown. You can turn off those emotions in a split second as this is the only way to cope with the enormity of the world sometimes. This doesn’t make you a bad person; It means you will do whatever it takes to avoid a migraine.

During the transit of the Moon in front of Saturn, you will see that there is an obstacle in your way that makes you angry. You are not sure what to do about it, since you cannot control what “it” does, and the gravity of what “it” represents is too gigantic for your mind to cope with on this day, January 28, 2024, just turn it off. This works for you. Denial works for you, and if the rest of the world likes to condemn you for “not taking responsibility” then that’s their problem.

You can only deal with one thing at a time on this day, and if that thing is so huge that you become emotionally overwhelmed, then it will prompt you to shut down your emotions. You do this when the pressure is too great, and during the Moon opposite Saturn, you will find that the pressure is not only too great for you to deal with, but your ability to shut it down is even greater. Do what you can, Scorpio and whatever is necessary.

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ruby miranda Interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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