3 zodiac signs set boundaries in relationships on February 18, 2024


When the Moon squares Neptune, as it will on February 18, 2024, three zodiac signs will become acutely aware of the boundaries they need to set in their lives… especially when it comes to love and romance. We have something good here. We don’t want to lose it, but we also see that it has the potential to last a lifetime. If so, then we need to set some boundaries quickly.

During the transit of the Moon square Neptune, we know that certain things must be in place if we want to be happy. We’re very much in our heads during this transit, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We will be reflecting and drawing certain conclusions during this day, February 18, 2024, and one thing is certain. We will have to address certain issues with our loved ones if we want this relationship to last.

And, whether we feel comfortable or not, we have to discuss boundaries. What is okay and what is not, as we all have certain rubicons that cannot be crossed. This is called being human. If we are going to stay true to ourselves, then we must respect her integrity by letting her know that there must be boundaries for the romance to last, with respect.

Three zodiac signs set boundaries in relationships on February 18, 2024:

1. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

You are very happy to share everything you have with the person you are currently involved with. Still, as time goes by, you realize that this person, no matter how dear they are to you, really takes advantage of both your space and your money. During the Moon square Neptune on February 18, 2024, you will talk about it. You don’t really like letting them float. They have to take care of their own lives and respect the boundaries here.

What this means for you, Taurus, is that you will have to have a big talk with them on this day, February 18, 2024. What is going to happen is that they will get offended and insult each other, which turns the whole conversation upside down. . heard and makes you feel as if you are the one stepping into their space. They have made a determined move against you. Ultimately, that’s the worst thing one can do when it comes to disrespecting a personal boundary.

So not only does this person not listen to you, but he also makes you the villain of this story, which really upsets and angers you. The thing about you and anger is that you don’t stay there. You are not in a “loving” relationship, so you can spend your time defending your territory or your priorities. If you two can’t resolve this fairly, this will only be the beginning of bigger problems to come.

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2. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

One thing you can’t stand is when your partner decides they know you better than you know yourself, since your job is to know them better than they know themselves. Yes, it’s complicated, but you’re seeing that during the Moon square Neptune transit on February 18, 2024, a lot of things are confusing when it comes to how you and your romantic partner relate to each other.

The main problem with this day is that you don’t want your partner to cross the line, which seems to be the only thing he’s doing lately. You are completely interested in loving them and having this wonderful relationship with them, but you will always, and I mean ALWAYS, want your own space. That’s a deal breaker, and it sounds like your partner might be a deal-breaker, considering he’s always in front of you, in your space.

You are a loner and even if you adore love and romance, you need your personal space. What’s more, you don’t want to have to explain why. You just want to be you and your partner doesn’t allow this to happen. So, during the Moon square Neptune on February 18, 2024, you’ll need to work your way into a conversation about boundaries. You will have to do it without insulting them, if possible.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 – March 20)

When you first started the romantic relationship you are currently in, you believed a lot in the person you are with, as they seemed to be made of pure understanding and love. However, over time you have seen that, while they are still just as kind and charming, they are also lazy and closed off. They’ve also infiltrated your personal space, which is a severe no-no in your book.

On February 18, 2024, you don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but this is really bothering you. Because the Moon square Neptune transit tends to irritate you, this may be the day you have that heart-to-heart talk with your lover so you can tell her directly and personally that she’s really pushing when necessary. It’s about going beyond the limits of this love story.

What’s yours is yours and you like it that way. You’re also a million percent respectful of their space. If they have secrets or just want to keep something to themselves, then you have no problem with that. You just want to know that this relationship is not based on blurred lines; There are lines. Some Rubicons cannot be crossed. On February 18, 2024 you will gather courage and talk about them.

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ruby miranda Interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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