3 zodiac signs with approximate horoscopes on January 27, 2024


On this day, January 27, 2024, a major planetary event occurs: Uranus turns direct. This can and will have a shocking influence on the natives of Earth as we may not know what hit us in terms of our sudden need to return to something we can no longer return to.

What this could provoke in three zodiac signs is a feeling of deep regret or the idea that things change… and we must too.

When Uranus turns direct, it means that everything we agreed to over the past few months suddenly seems like a mistake; Why did we say “yes” to this? Why did we agree to do ‘that’? We may discover that we don’t understand our motives and become silently frightened by decisions we made that we no longer wish to make.

During direct Uranus, these three zodiac signs will want to undo a previous choice or let go of its results. This transit awakens in us the need to avoid responsibility; We don’t want to take credit for the actions we took. On January 27, 2024, these three zodiac signs will have deep misgivings about a previously created choice.

Three zodiac signs have approximate horoscopes on January 27, 2024:

1. Gemini

(May 21 – June 20)

It wouldn’t be strange if you suddenly wanted to go back to everything you put a lot of effort into, since the transit of Uranus Direct could make you reconsider all your previous efforts. It’s on this day, January 27, 2024, when all of Gemini’s doubts come back like a tsunami of regret, and you’ll wonder, ‘What was I thinking?’

That’s just part of how Uranus Direct hits you, as you may not be sure what you think went wrong…just the idea that something IS wrong. That is what will bother you on this day January 27, 2024. You will not be able to shake the feeling that you made a move that you can no longer get out of and yet you are not sure what that move was. It’s or why you want to get out of it.

So yes, confusion accompanies you throughout this day, as Uranus Direct really makes you doubt yourself. As a Gemini, you’re used to this kind of “spontaneous hesitation,” but Uranus’s energy, especially when it’s direct and not retrograde, really upsets the balance of your mind, and you’ll find this is a difficult day. getting through. When you identify what’s really bothering you, you’ll have a better idea of ​​how to fix it.

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2. virgin

(August 23 – September 22)

Feeling regret is almost too much for you, as you feel like you have a lot to regret and very little time to spend honoring such a negative feeling. What this also implies is that on January 27, 2024, during Uranus Direct, you will lose precious time to indulge in the worst possible feeling, that is, fear and regret for the decisions you made in the past. If only you didn’t do it “this way.” This is just the tip of the iceberg for you regarding how you think during Uranus Direct.

You were so adamant about doing ‘this or that’ and put aside the opinions of others when they wanted to help you; now you have made your bed, and it is time to lie down in it, and you find that you do not like this bed, nor do you like yourself for putting yourself here. You did something regrettable in the past and you are too proud to admit that you did it, but inside you know that you are responsible for why your life is the way it is now.

When Uranus turns direct, you are faced with the fact that you screwed up certain things and you are also aware that others see it this way too. While no one in your life wants to be the person who says, “I told you so,” you’ll see it in everyone’s face and feel resentful. This is something you can’t help, and mainly because you can’t go back and undo the mistake you made so long ago.

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3. Aquarius

(January 20 – February 18)

The last thing in this world you’ll ever want to know is that someone is trying to control you, and if you even sniff the idea that this might be happening, you’ll show everyone that it’s a no-no. , it is NOT happening. During Uranus Direct, you will see that there is a twist to this idea at this time, and the irony of the situation is that you put yourself in a bad position. Now, you are the one who suffers as a result of “trying to be in control.”

What this shows you, January 27, 2024, is that in a past attempt to be autonomous and alone, you didn’t even consider it worth listening to the opinions of others. This is how this transit gets you, Uranus Direct, Aquarius; This is the day when all your rebellion and self-protection comes back to show you that you have to be more open because it’s not a bad idea to allow guidance from friends…sometimes.

In order not to be controlled, you have created a life for yourself that is totally controlled by you. But, but, but… what if you’re wrong? That’s what you will discover on this day, January 27, 2024. You made a mistake, you didn’t listen to an expert’s guidance and now you regret your decisions and you really don’t want to admit it to yourself. Uranus Direct is a complicated transit, especially for Aquarius.

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ruby miranda Interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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