9 Surprising Little Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist | Babita Spinelli | Top Vip News


Would you be able to recognize the signs that you are dating a narcissist or do you just suspect that there is something not “quite right” in your relationship?

Regardless of your understanding of narcissism in relationshipsIf you think you’re dating a narcissist, it’s vital to know what to expect so you’re not caught off guard later.

Could you be dating a narcissist? How do you know? What are some of the signs?

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Here are 9 surprising little signs that you are dating a narcissist:

1. They were too strong at the beginning.

Lust is a part of any relationship, but when that lust quickly turns into one partner telling the other how “in love” they are and how they want to spend the rest of their lives with them or can’t imagine their life without them, that can be a cause for concern.

Narcissists often create superficial connections at the beginning of a relationship, before they meet someone.

2. Conversations revolve around them.

Narcissists love attention. They love to talk about themselves and how great they are.

They tend to exaggerate their achievements to try to make themselves look better. Sometimes they make it difficult to pronounce a word.

3. They feed on praise.

Narcissists tend to come across as having high self-esteem, but require constant praise. And if you don’t give it to them, they will catch it.

They often use other people to increase their self-esteem and feel more powerful.

4. They lack empathy.

Empathy is the ability to see and feel what others feel. Narcissists are incapable of understanding another person’s subjective experience.

They often cannot make others feel validated, understood, or accepted.

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5. They don’t have many friends for life.

It is difficult for narcissists to maintain relationships of any kind. They may talk about friends, but they are probably acquaintances, casual friends, or enemies.

They also tend to get angry when you mention your friends or try to make plans with others besides them.

6. They are always picking on you.

A little teasing here and there can be harmless and fun for any relationship, but it becomes problematic when it is cruel or constant. You may feel like you can’t do anything right or that what you do isn’t good enough.

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