A Nutritionist Shares Diet Do’s and Don’ts to Keep PCOS Under Control | Top Vip News


A new study claims that the number of cases of polycystic ovary syndrome among women has “increased considerably.” The first comprehensive analysis of PCOS-related infertility has shown an increase from six million in 1990 to 12.13 million in 2019 across 200 countries and regions.

There has been an increase in PCOS cases from six million in 1990 to 12.13 million in 2019 (Unsplash)

So what is polycystic ovary syndrome? Also known as PCOS, it is a hormonal disorder that affects millions of women. It occurs when a woman’s ovaries or adrenal glands produce more male hormones than normal. This can cause irregular periods or no periods at all; the development of cysts and could even cause infertility in some women.

There has been an increase in PCOS cases from six million in 1990 to 12.13 million in 2019 (Unsplash)
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Some other symptoms could be weight gain, especially around the waist, hair, acne or dark spots on the skin, pelvic pain, and depression. The condition cannot be cured, but it can be treated and controlled with diet and lifestyle changes, shares nutritionist Kavita Devgan.

Lose excess weight, eat well, pay attention to how foods affect blood sugar and insulin, exercise, which gets your heart pumping, and lift weights to keep muscles strong and manage stress. , everything helps. If you struggle with PCOS, small but essential changes to your eating habits can help relieve your symptoms, increase your energy levels, and help you manage your weight.

Diet: what to do

Eat a diet based on whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, dals, grains, nuts and seeds. It is also important to increase your fiber intake, so include at least 25-30 grams each day. Include enough whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Also, include protein at every meal. Remember to never eat a carbohydrate alone and always combine it with a good quality protein or fat as they help curb the rise in blood sugar.

Eating high-fat foods can help you better manage this condition. It’s helpful not to obsess over calories when hormonal health is affected. Instead, focus on eating more good fats. Omega 3 can also help, so add fish, walnuts, flax seeds and sacha inchi seeds, which are also loaded with protein.

Include antioxidant-rich foods such as green tea, green coffee, nuts and berries, as well as anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric and cinnamon, in your diet. Remember to add a pinch of pepper when using turmeric as it will help you absorb the turmeric better. Supplementation with vitamin B12 and D is important if levels are low.

Good snack

Binge eating is not good as it can cause weight gain. That is why it is important to eat well. Some smart snack options are a bowl of yogurt, buttermilk with sattu, black sesame seed laddu, a bowl of salad with tofu, coconut water with its malai and roasted seeds and nuts.

Diet: what not to do

Avoid processed and junk foods as they are loaded with trans fats and additives as they wreak havoc on hormones and also cause inflammation. Reduce your intake of sugar and refined foods, along with sugary drinks such as soda, sports and energy drinks, as they are also not good for your health. Polycystic ovary syndrome is related to insulin resistance, so the goal is to keep blood sugar levels moderate and stable; It is high insulin levels that cause symptoms such as excessive hunger, hair loss, acne, facial hair, etc. Avoid fried foods and trans fats and keep your saturated fat intake under control as well.

Eliminate processed meats and processed snacks like cakes, cookies, candies, and pies as they have compounds that can create more problems. Reduce salt intake as it can cause bloating and women with PCOS have a lot of water retention anyway. So too much salt aggravates your problem. Stay away from salty snacks during the day if you’re hungry. Reduce alcohol consumption as it can contribute to hormonal imbalance by increasing estrogen levels.

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