Actor Darshan Jariwala resigns as vice president and other positions of CINTAA


Actor Darshan Jariwala resigns from CINTAA after cheating complaint. He resigned from all three positions to protect CINTAA…
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Actor Darshan Jariwala has resigned from all three posts of CINTAA (Cinema and Television Artistes Association). Darshan resigned from the post about two months after a media professional filed a complaint for cheating on her in a relationship.

Secretary General Amit Behl said: “Since it was affecting CINTAA’s reputation, he resigned from all three CINTAA positions.”

Behl added: “Although the lady is not a member of ours, many of our colleagues are friends with her on social media and were upset. Darshan resigned from the position of vice president of CINTAA, executive member, but continues to be the administrator of the Welfare Fund “

Darshan in his resignation stated that he did not want his colleagues to face problems, therefore he resigned and promised that he will come out clean.

Tina Ghai said: “As principal deputy secretary and care committee chairperson of CINTAA, also being a woman, I have been constantly questioned about our integrity since the case was opened on social media. It is good that she has resigned, our general members especially The ladies would have raised a scandal.”

For the uninformed, in December last year, a person filed the complaint, whose identity is protected as the case is sub judice, revealing aspects of his relationship with Jariwala. She claimed that they had a “gandharv vivaah” and mentioned that she is currently pregnant with her child. Accusing Jariwala of disowning her, she had sought action from CINTAA, urging Jariwala’s removal from the post of vice president.

In response to the allegations, Darshan Jariwala’s legal representative, lawyer Saveena Bedi Sachar of Lawhive Associates, issued a statement affirming the actor’s innocence. The statement highlighted the importance of upholding the presumption of innocence until proven guilty and highlighted the need for a fair and impartial legal process.

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