Ahn Hyo Seop Slams Former Trainee Han Seo Hee With Lawsuit


She previously posted alleged KakaoTalk chat messages with him.

Former trainee and media personality. Han Seo Hee He recently caused controversy by sharing an alleged KakaoTalk conversation with the actor. Ahn Hyo Seop.

Alleged conversation between the two. | money today

Ahn Hyo Seop: Do what?
Han Seo Hee: Let’s order a bunch of room service and have dinner there.
Not that I’m paying for any of that.
Or we could have sex.
Oh, answer quickly.
You are ignoring me?
Want to die?
Ahn Hyo Seop: You..
why are you
Talking so scary?

The screenshots were shared in a random open chat room on KakaoTalk by Han herself. The conversation seemed to allude to the two sharing a close relationship, and Han invited Ahn to his hotel. After the matter broke out, Han uploaded an Instagram story to deny the matter, claiming that she had made the whole thing up.

On February 8, 2024, it was reported that a lawsuit had been filed against Han for defamation and slander of Ahn Hyo Seop, among other charges. Ahn’s lawyer claims that Han’s messages damaged Ahn’s reputation by sharing the conversation in an open chat room where an unspecified number of people could see it, causing it to spread. The messages also seemed to imply that Ahn had slept with Han.

Although Han claimed that he faked the messages, he also uploaded a photo from his hotel stay on the same day, sparking more speculation from fans. Han has a history of using his celebrity connections to stir up controversy.

The claim documents. | money today

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