An almost intact dinosaur skeleton was found; a Frenchman kept it a secret for 2 years | Top Vip News



The Jurassic Secret…

Man Finds Intact Skeleton and Says Nothing for 2 Years!

Here’s a guy who has no problem burying secrets, because the French Damian BoschettoHe’s been sitting on a huge one, literally the size of a dinosaur, for almost two years.

The 25-year-old says he came across dinosaur bones in May 2022 while walking his dog in the woods near his hometown of Cruzy in the south of France. The thing is, Damien didn’t just find one or two giant bones…he unearthed a nearly intact 70 million year old titanosaur skeleton!

Damian told him France blue The discovery was pure luck. He said: “While walking the dog, a landslide on the edge of the cliff exposed the bones of several skeletons.”

As for why he remained relatively silent about his astonishing treasure, he said he wanted to give paleontologists time to excavate the complete skeleton before the site was overrun by looters and dinosaur enthusiasts. The fossil is now on display at the Cruzy Museum.

Titanosaurs, by the way, were herbivorous dinosaurs known for their very long necks and lived during the Cretaceous period, which lasted from 145 million to 66 million years ago. Scientists say the largest titanosaurs were about 85 feet long and weighed 70 tons.

In other words… he’s giving Fred Flintsone’s Bronto Crane in the quarry. You know, the one you swipe down to end each day.

Speaking of jobs, Damian left his in the energy sector after his dinosaur find and is now pursuing a master’s degree in paleontology. We’d say he’s got his thesis work in the bag!

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