Are you having trouble with watery eyes this winter? Here’s how to calm them down | Top Vip News


It’s hard to deal with watery eyes, especially when you’ve just left the house with freshly applied makeup on a windy morning. The most common cause? Surprisingly, too dry eyes. Although it may seem counterintuitive that dryness is behind watery eyes, it is actually a result of the eyes responding to being compromised by overproduce that very important lubrication.

According to Nicola Alexander-Cross, UK optometrist and co-founder Staring clubSymptoms to look out for are “watery eyes in windy or sunny conditions, redness during the day, a mild itchy or irritated feeling around the eye or eyelash line, and a gritty feeling in the eyes as well as eyelids.” heavy.”

Watery eyes are also exacerbated when the eyes become sensitized or affected by an allergy. “Raising awareness is [when you find] that the same mascara you’ve been using for a while is now irritating your eyes,” explains Alexander-Cross. “It’s more gradual and irritating, but the eyes don’t get angry or itchy [due to] that specific element. When using products around your eyes, it may not be that you have an allergy, it may be that you are sensitized to the ingredients because your barrier is weak. In the same way that if your skin barrier were weak you would be [more] sensitive to the product, especially when it has fragrance, for example.”

A real allergy is different. “An allergy like contact dermatitis is instantaneous. when you use [a product, the reaction is] Really red and angry.” When you stop using the product in question, “the reaction usually disappears after a few days,” says Alexander-Cross. “If you are still unsure, I always advise you to talk to your optometrist.”

How to soothe watery eyes:


Moisturizing eyes replace the water layer of the tear film, helping to rebuild and regulate tears. Moisturizing the eyes with a spray or wipe is great for those who have difficulty using eye drops.

Use a humidifier

It may also be helpful to increase the humidity and/or water vapor in the air. “Using a humidifier while you sleep helps replenish your eyes and hydrate your skin. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed,” says Alexander-Cross. This is especially beneficial if your eyes do not close completely while you sleep, as the water vapor will help keep your eyes lubricated throughout the night.

Massage to release oils.

If you have dry eyes, a warm compress placed over your eyes can help dislodge and melt trapped oils that get stuck and blocked in the glands. When it persists, Alexander-Cross finds that massage is her next best option. “Peep Club was co-created with my co-founder Natasha in mind: she had perfect vision, but terribly dry eyes. She didn’t have time to sit there with her eyes closed with a heat pack every night, so we developed a tool that does the same thing: it heats up to melt the oil and sends messages to keep things flowing. The spray replaces the water layer of the tear film, while the wand helps replace the oil in the top layer, just like you would with skin care. Together they help regulate the tear barrier.”

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