Arnold Schwarzenegger recovers from surgery after receiving a pacemaker


Arnold Schwarzenegger is recovering after undergoing a surgical procedure to have a pacemaker installed.

On Monday’s episode of his Arnold’s Pump Club podcastThe 76-year-old shared that he underwent surgery to have a pacemaker implanted.

“I have some personal news to share. Last Monday I had a pacemaker operated on and I became a little more like a machine,” she announced.

Despite admitting that speaking so publicly about his health “goes against a lot of my upbringing in Austria,” he said he wanted to be transparent given that many people have shared with him their own stories about heart health, and in sharing their story, “gives them courage and hope to deal with their own” and “it feels good to talk about this.”

“First of all, I want you to know that I’m doing great! I had surgery on Monday and by Friday I was at a big environmental event with my friend and fellow fitness advocate Jane Fonda,” she continued, praising Fonda as someone who is “healthy” and “looks fantastic.”

“No one would have ever thought that I started the week with surgery. I want to thank my entire team at the Cleveland Clinic. “All the doctors and nurses took wonderful care of me and made the surgery as painless as possible,” he added.

The surgery was prompted by some scar tissue from Schwarzenegger’s previous procedures, she said, which caused his heartbeat to be irregular and he had to go in for a full checkup every year. “This is life with a genetic heart problem. But you won’t hear me complain,” he said.

Schwarzenegger credited being in the state of health he is in today to being “diligent and staying in touch with my doctors and listening to them.” He later shared that his mother did not undergo valve replacement surgery and died in 1998.

“I first had my valves replaced in 1997, which required open heart surgery. I was told that both valves would last between 12 and 15 years,” she reflected. He then underwent surgery to have both replaced again in 2018 and 2020. After his surgeries, he said he would check in “all the time” with his doctors to share his heart rate information from home and that they would advise him when it was needed. pacemaker.

After undergoing a normal checkup in early March while heading to the Arnold Sports Festival, Schwarzenegger said doctors ran “a full battery of tests” to monitor his heart. He said that “all the extra work your heart does” from having an irregular heartbeat “wears you down.” He added: “If I can be honest with you, I struggled with those 16-hour days at the Arnold Sports Festival.”

Schwarzenegger’s doctor later told him that based on his results, he needed to get the pacemaker, especially considering he was going to film the second season of FUBAR. “On Monday I dove in and installed the new part on my machine,” she said.

“I can’t do my serious training in the gym for a while, but I will be 100 percent ready to go.” FUBAR next month,” he shared.

“I could have kept it a secret. But I know we now have over 750,000 subscribers to the daily newsletter. … I know many of you are probably dealing with your own health issues and I want you to know that you are not alone,” he said. “And if you’re putting something off because you’re afraid, I hope to inspire you to listen to your doctors and take care of yourself.”

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