Asteroid 2017 BG92 hurtles toward Earth at close range | Top Vip News


Asteroid 2017 BG92

Asteroid 2024 AS1 is heading towards Earth today at dizzying speed, NASA warned.

Small asteroids, often mere fragments of larger celestial bodies, can seem like insignificant specks in the vast expanse of space. However, its potential to collide with Earth poses a real and ever-present threat, albeit a statistically low one. The consequences of such an impact, depending on the size and composition of the asteroid, its speed and the location of the impact, can range from localized devastation to global catastrophe. While larger asteroids typically attract more attention due to their destructive potential, smaller asteroids can also have significant consequences, depending on their size and composition.

Although the probability of a small asteroid causing widespread devastation is relatively low, continued research and monitoring efforts are crucial to understanding and mitigating the potential risks associated with near-Earth objects. International collaboration, advanced sensing technologies and public awareness play a critical role in addressing the challenges posed by these small celestial bodies. One of those small asteroids, called Asteroid 2017 BG92, caught the attention of astronomers due to its imminent approach to Earth. This new celestial visitor sparked interest and raised questions about its properties and possible impact. He continue reading to learn more.

Asteroid 2017 BG92: Features

Asteroid 2017 BG92 is a rocky, 20-foot bus-sized space traveler currently sailing through our solar system toward our home planet. This near-Earth object belongs to the Apollo group. It orbits the Sun in 512 days. At this time, the asteroid is moving away from the Sun at a maximum distance of 236 million kilometers and approaching it at a minimum distance of 139 million kilometers.

The asteroid is traveling at a speed of 22,636 kilometers per hour, making its closest approach to Earth at 2.80 million miles. According to, asteroid 2017 BG92 already passed the Earth today at 10:44 a.m. at a distance of 4.5 million kilometers and at a speed of 6 kilometers per second.

YoIs asteroid 2017 BG92 dangerous?

Asteroid 2017 BG92 is a relatively small near-Earth object that should be considered a potentially hazardous asteroid. However, it serves as a reminder of the importance of continually monitoring and devising proactive methods to protect our planet and ensure a safe future for generations to come. Astronomical observatories and space agencies around the world continually monitor near-Earth objects to assess their trajectories and potential hazards. If there were any updates or concerns regarding asteroid 2017 BG92, these organizations would provide relevant information.

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