Asteroid Bennu was once part of an “ancient ocean planet” • | Top Vip News


The recent analysis of samples from the asteroid Bennu brought to Earth by NASA OSIRIS-REx The spacecraft has revealed an intriguing possibility.

Scientists believe these samples may come from an “ancient ocean world,” which could lay the foundation for life as we know it.

The asteroid, known as Bennu, has become a focal point for scientists seeking to understand the early solar system and the origins of life on Earth.

The initial findings from the Bennu samples have sparked a groundbreaking theory that could redefine our understanding of the cosmos and the very essence of life’s building blocks.

In October, preliminary results from the analysis of asteroid samples revealed important discoveries. Researchers discovered that Bennu harbored large amounts of water and carbon, elements essential for the genesis of life.

This revelation led scientists to speculate that asteroids like Bennu could have been instrumental in bringing the essential ingredients for life to Earth.

Asteroid Bennu came from the ancient ocean world

He University of ArizonaThe research team has taken this speculation a step further, suggesting that Bennu was once part of a water-rich planet that existed billions of years ago.

Evidence for this comes from some of Bennu’s dark rocks, which are covered by a thin, shiny crust.

This crust bears a striking resemblance to materials found on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, known for its global ocean of salty liquid water beneath an icy shell.

The OSIRIS-REx mission, led by principal investigator Dante Lauretta, a professor of planetary sciences at the University of Arizona, has been hailed as a monumental success.

The spacecraft returned with almost twice as many asteroid samples as the planned 60 grams, providing an unprecedented opportunity for scientific study.

The parent body of the asteroid Bennu

Lauretta’s hypothesis, although still based on unpublished results, suggests that the shiny crust of Bennu’s rocks is composed of a rare phosphate material rich in calcium and magnesium.

This material is comparable to that spewed from vents on the surface of Enceladus, suggesting similar processes possibly occurred on Bennu’s parent body billions of years ago.

This latter theory is supported by similarities in mineralogy between Bennu and Enceladus, as noted by Fabian Klenner, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington.

“In fact, there are similarities between the mineralogy of Bennu and what has been found on Enceladus,” Klenner told New Scientist.

The presence of these materials is important because, on Earth, they are formed through exothermic reactions when rock is pushed to the seafloor and interacts with water.

This process not only suggests the presence of water but also conditions that could potentially support life.

Broader implications and future research.

While the researchers do not claim to have proof that life existed on the planet, the implications of their findings are profound.

Analysis of asteroid samples could contribute to our understanding of how life began, not only on Earth but potentially elsewhere in the universe.

The similarities between the mineralogy of Bennu and that of Enceladus add an intriguing layer to the idea that the origins of life could be more common in the universe than previously thought.

As the scientific community awaits further analysis and published results, the initial findings from the OSIRIS-REx mission have already sparked a sense of wonder and possibility.

The idea that the elements that build life on Earth could have been extracted from ancient, water-rich worlds like Bennu transforms our understanding of our place in the universe.

More about asteroid Bennu

As mentioned above, asteroid Bennu is a fascinating celestial body that is classified as a near-Earth object.

Bennu is a B-type asteroid, meaning it contains a significant amount of carbon along with other minerals.

This composition suggests that Bennu may contain clues to the chemistry of the early solar system.

With a diameter of approximately 500 meters, Bennu orbits the Sun every 1.2 years and comes relatively close to Earth every six years, making it an accessible target for space missions. Its surface is rugged and littered with rocks, making landing and collecting samples a challenging task.

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission, launched in 2016, was designed to collect samples from Bennu’s surface and return them to Earth for analysis.

In 2020, the spacecraft successfully landed on Bennu, collected samples, and began its journey back to Earth.

Bennu is also of interest due to its potential impact threat to Earth. Calculations have shown that there is a small chance that Bennu will collide with Earth at the end of the 22nd century.

However, ongoing observations and studies aim to refine predictions and, if necessary, develop strategies to mitigate any potential impact threats.


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