Bethany Joy Lenz names the cult she was in for 10 years


After revealing last year that she was part of a cult for a decade, Bethany Joy Lenz is finally naming the group she joined at the time.

Revealing the cover of her upcoming memoir Dinner for vampires on Thursday, the cult that the Hill of a tree Also identified was the actress who joined: A church covenant called The Big House Family.

“Being a writer has been a great private joy in my life since I was 12,” she said. shared on Instagram. “This is not the first book I have considered writing publicly, but as difficult as it is to untangle this topic, I am grateful to be able to share my story, in my own way. It’s a story of forgiveness and a roadmap for how manipulation works, with pain and humor along the way. We all make mistakes and I hope Dinner for vampires It reminds you that no matter what strange paths you may have taken, you are not alone.”

Editor Simon & Schuster describes the upcoming memoir as a chronicle of Lenz’s “secret double life in a cult.”

The publisher’s description reads: “An only child who often had to fend for herself and always wanted a place to belong, Lenz found the safe haven she had been looking for in a Bible study group with other Hollywood creatives. However, the group soon morphed into something more sinister: a slowly woven web of manipulation, abuse and fear under the guise of a church covenant called The Big House Family.”

“Piece by piece, Lenz began to give up his autonomy and eventually moved into the Family compound in the Pacific Northwest, overseen by a domineering minister who would convince Lenz to marry one of his sons and steadily drain millions of his television income without their knowledge. The publisher’s description continues. “The family ‘caretakers’ assigned to her on set, meetings inspired by ‘Maoist fight sessions’ in the basement of a dirty house, and regular counseling with ‘Leadership’ were just part of the tactics used to keep her loyal. . Only when she became a mother did Lenz find the courage to leave and save her son from a similar fate.”

In an appearance in Southern life’podcasts, Cookies and Jam last year, Lenz had opened up about being part of a cult during his time on the teen drama, as well as the support he received from his co-stars when he walked away from it.

“I was an intelligent person. I was a good actor. “You can’t be a good actor without being smart,” she stated. “You can’t analyze a script without being able to evaluate things. But I had a big blind spot in my life (and everyone does) and mine was something I was going to have to figure out on my own.”

“I feel like a lot of the people there, whether consciously or unconsciously, knew that just their presence and being an encouragement and letting me know that they still loved me and cared about me despite the fact that I was a little weird, that made a big difference. It made me feel like there was security when it was time to leave that group,” she continued.

Dinner for vampires launches on October 22.

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