Billy Baldwin angers Sharon Stone over ‘Sliver’ sexual accusation


More than 30 years after starring together in the big screen failure SliverSharon Stone and Billy Baldwin recall unhappy moments about making the film.

In an appearance in The Louis Theroux Podcast, Stone named former Paramount Pictures boss Robert Evans as the producer who pressured her to have sex with Baldwin to improve her performance. Evans died in 2019.

Stone told the story in his 2021 memoir, but declined to name those involved. That changed this week, as he recalled his time in Sliver in his interview with Theroux.

“(Evans is) running around his office in sunglasses explaining that he slept with Ava Gardner and that I should sleep with Billy Baldwin, because (then) his performance would improve,” Stone said.

“If I could sleep with Billy, then we would have chemistry on screen and we would save the movie. The real problem was me because she was very uptight and not like a real actress who could just screw it up and get things back on track. The real problem was that I was an idiot.”

Stone argued that he didn’t have the same problem with Michael Douglas, with whom he starred in Basic instinct past year sliver release.

“I didn’t have to fuck with Michael Douglas. “Michael could come to work and know how to hit those marks, do that line, rehearse and perform,” he said. “Now all of a sudden I’m in the ‘I have to screw people’ business.”

After seeing the comments, Alec’s brother Baldwin posted on Twitter (now X) about his memories of working with Stone. He alleged that he implored Evans to choreograph a sex scene so he wouldn’t have to kiss Stone.

“Are you not sure why Sharon Stone is still talking about me all these years later?” Baldwin said. “Is she still in love with me or is she still hurt after all these years because I rejected her advances?”

He added: “I have so much dirt on her it would make your head spin, but I have kept quiet. The story of the encounter I had with Bob Evans imploring him to let me choreograph the final sex scene in the photo below so I wouldn’t have to kiss Sharon is absolute legend. I wonder if I should write a book and tell the many, many disturbing, perverted and unprofessional stories about Sharon? “That could be fun.”

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