Chaos breaks out when the best team in the world shows up to punch Jon Moxley in the face.


Blackpool Combat Club has been feuding with several CMLL wrestlers over the last week, and that mini-feud continued on tonight’s (February 10) episode of Collision.

This time it was Esfinge and Star Jr. representing CMLL in a tag team match against Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. As you may have guessed, the end result saw the AEW guys come close and get the win.

A question I had in mind while watching the BCC vs. CMLL was: what will Jon Moxley’s PPV match be on March 3 at AEW Revolution? Well, we may have gotten the answer to that question in the post-match angle.

Moxley loves to fight, so after the match was over, he grabbed the microphone and essentially challenged any team in the world to step up and fight the BCC.

Any tag team in the world? How about possibly the best team in the world, FTR?

Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler took on BCC, only for Mox to take on Harwood. Dax responded by punching Moxley in the face, and a wild brawl ensued.

Could it be FTR vs. Moxley and Castagnoli in Revolution? It sure seems like that’s on the table.

What did you think of FTR answering Moxley’s call, Cagesiders?

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