ChatGPT will soon have ‘memory’ to improve conversations with users | Top Vip News


ChatGPT, the successful artificial intelligence tool that not only started the AI ​​craze but also influenced the direction the tech industry was heading, continues to improve. OpenAI, the Microsoft-backed company that created ChatGPT, has announced that it is testing memory functionality for its chatbot. On its official blog, OpenAI has said that the new functionality is being tested “to remember the things you discuss and make future chats more useful.” However, the company adds: “You have control of ChatGPT memory.”

ChatGPT memory will save the user time as they will not have to enter the same prompts every time they start a conversation. With memory, subsequent conversations with the Chatbot are likely to be “informed” by previous interactions a user would have had with the chatbot.

OpenAI said the memory functionality was initially available to “a small portion of ChatGPT Free and Plus users this week.” The company also said it will make observations on how useful the functionality is and then take a call on how to carry out a broader rollout.

Users can ask the chatbot to remember something specific or allow it to select details over time. The more a user interacts with ChatGPT with the memory feature enabled, the more the chatbot will improve its familiarity with you or what it remembers about the things you tell it.

Will the use of ChatGPT be mandatory for a user?

No, says OpenAI. A user can disable the feature at any time in settings. This way, the chatbot will not create any memories.

A user can also explicitly ask ChatGPT to forget something. It would also be possible to erase specific or all memories.

“We may use the content you provide to ChatGPT, including memories, to improve our models for everyone. If you wish, you can disable this through your Data Controls. As always, we will not train with ChatGPT team content. and enterprise customers,” says OpenAI.

(With contributions from agencies)

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