Dean Phillips says he’ll be ‘making decisions’ in the coming days ahead of likely loss in home state


Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) said he will “make decisions” about his Democratic presidency Campaign in the coming days as he will likely lose in his home state of Minnesota.

“As the only candidate who did not lose to Donald Trump in any poll, I am grateful for the beautifully orchestrated rally to end my mission and ensure his defeat,” Phillips said on X as voters in 15 states prepared to cast your vote. . “I am moved by the consideration and will be making decisions in the coming days on how we can best meet that goal.”

Phillips echoed similar sentiments after losing to President Joe Biden in the nation’s first primary in New Hampshire. Biden won with 63.9% of the vote as a write-in candidate, compared to Phillips’ 19.6%. In yielding to the president, the Democrat said MailIitico would need to see polls showing a head-to-head matchup against former President Donald Trump before dropping out of the race.

“I will introduce myself to the country. When a reasonable amount of time has passed, when enough people at least know who I am and we have legitimate polls testing me against Donald Trump and Joe Biden against Donald Trump, at least the Democrats and I will have all the data we need to make a decision. . decision,” Phillips said in January.


The Minnesota representative’s risky presidential bid began in October, encouraging Biden to pass the torch. His efforts to gain recognition among voters have been an uphill battle; Last week, Phillips lost his third Democratic primary, falling far behind Biden and “uncommitted” in Michigan.

Phillips has cited Biden’s poor polls on several issues as a reason to stay in the race, saying political “I would double down and support him” if the president “miraculously improves and is in a position to win this.”


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