Detect breast cancer using a saliva test | Top Vip News


Scientists have developed a saliva test that detects breast cancer, which is showing promising results in experimental tests, according to a study published Tuesday.

The new wearable device detects breast cancer biomarkers from a small sample of saliva, say researchers from the University of Florida and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, who published their findings in the Vacuum Science and Technology Magazine B.

“Imagine medical staff performing breast cancer screenings in communities or hospitals,” said Hsiao-Hsuan Wan, a doctoral student in the UF Department of Chemical Engineering and lead author of the study. “Our device is a great option because it is portable (about the size of a hand) and reusable. The testing time is less than five seconds per sample, which makes it very efficient.”

The new tool works by placing a saliva sample on a test strip, which is treated with specific antibodies that respond to cancer biomarkers. Electrical impulses are sent to the contact points of the biosensor device. The signals are measured and translated into digital information about how much biomarker is present. The results are quick and easy to interpret, Wan said.

During testing, the device distinguished between healthy breast tissue, early breast cancer, and advanced breast cancer in a small group of 21 women. Their biosensor design uses common components such as glucose test strips and the open source Arduino hardware and software platform.

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