Día Internacional de la Mujer


In commemoration of International Women’s Day and recognizing the invaluable contribution of Latina women to New York City, we took to the streets of Jackson Heights to speak with women about the changes they want to see in our society.

Among their common responses are gender equality, less violence, less machismo, more safety in the streets and respect.

“For example, I don’t feel safe walking alone on the streets here on Roosevelt in Jackson Heights and it’s kind of unfortunate because one should feel free and calm. It can improve and well, it is something that I think has to improve,” said Camille De Prat.

They also demand gender equality.

“Unfortunately here we do not have the same values ​​as men. We see it reflected at all times both in the work part and in other aspects,” said Norah Solarte.

Others ask that society value the work of housewives more.



“Because she has to manage the finances, be in charge, nurse take care of the children, cook, make food for her husband or her children and fulfill many roles, so I think that is something very prominent in society.” said Erika Arévalo.

And among the most desired changes is a stop to violence against women.

“Less abuse and that women are powerful,” said Verónica Escobar.

“And respect a woman because we come from the womb of a woman,” said Elvia Peralta.

Members of the organization Voces Latinas point out that in Jackson Heights and surrounding neighborhoods, violence against women is a frequent problem, with nearly 200 cases last year.

“They have children, they have a family and then many times you find that these types of situations have been normalized,” said Alejandra Moreno.

The National Coalition Against Violence Against Women indicates that one in four women is a victim of violence.

Regarding the workplace, in the country what a man earns compared to what a woman earns has had little significant change in the last twenty years.

In 2022, women were recorded as earning 82 cents for every dollar a man earned, almost the same as in 2002, when women earned 80 cents to the dollar.

Despite this, many of the women we spoke to remain hopeful that there will be a change in our society.

“The truth is, it is possible,” said another interviewee.

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