Doctors shocked to find 32cm live eel inside Vietnamese man’s rectum and perform emergency surgery | Trends | Top Vip News


In a series of unfortunate events, a 34-year-old Vietnamese man received an unusual and shocking diagnosis after experiencing severe abdominal cramps. His symptoms prompted medical professionals at the Hai Ha District Medical Center to perform an ultrasound and x-ray. Scans showed that a live eel was trapped in his belly, which reportedly caused peritonitis.

A live eel was discovered inside the man. (Pixabay)

According Nguoi Dua TinDoctors believe the 30cm eel entered the man’s body through the anus and slipped into the colon. The patient was conscious and had less pain in the abdomen after surgery. Doctors stated that they would be on the lookout for any problems and would continue to coordinate feeding, fluids, and antibiotics. (Also read: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev undergoes brain surgery | ‘Despite severe headaches…’: What the hospital said)

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Dr. Pham Manh Hung, head of the Department of Surgery at Hai Ha District Medical Center, told Doctor’s Health & Life newspaper: “This is a rare case. The rectal area has a lot of fecal fluid and is easily infected with bacteria, but “It was done safely, so the surgery went smoothly.”

The eel caused intestinal perforation and peritonitis in the man. According to the National Institute of Health, “Intestinal perforation, defined as a loss of continuity of the intestinal wall, is a potentially devastating complication that can result from a variety of pathological processes. Common causes of perforation include trauma, instrumentation, inflammation and infection, malignancy, ischemia and obstruction. Early recognition and timely treatment are essential to prevent the potential morbidity and mortality of peritonitis and its systemic sequelae resulting from spillage of intestinal contents.” (Also Read: AIIMS Delhi performs difficult laparoscopic surgery on three-month-old baby, sets world record)

Previously, a Vietnamese man was shocked to discover that the cause of his headaches was a pair of chopsticks lodged in his skull. The 35-year-old man experienced vision loss, fluid discharge and unbearable migraines, and was taken to hospital when his condition worsened.

Doctors at the Cuban Friendship Hospital in Dong Hoi, Quang Binh province, diagnosed the patient with tension pneumocephalus, a rare and fatal neurosurgical condition, and also found chopsticks in his head.

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