Dragon’s Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle Answers, Locations, and Rewards | Top Vip News


Dragon's Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle 1 Answers, Locations, and Rewards
Image: Square Push

As Answer the riddles of the Sphinx in Dragon’s Dogma 2? A side quest called A game of wit You’ll find yourself facing off against a legendary creature known as the Sphinx in, well, a game of wit. She will ask you to answer a series of riddles, most of which require thinking outside the box. Answering these riddles correctly will give you a bunch of rare items as rewards.

In this Dragon’s Dogma 2 GuideWe’re going to detail all of the Sphinx riddles, where you need to go and what you need to do to answer them, and the rewards you get for completing them.

Dragon’s Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle Answers, Locations, and Rewards

Before you begin, you will need to find the Sphinx itself. Fortunately, it can always be found in one place: the mountain sanctuaryin vermun.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle 2 Answers, Locations, and Rewards
Image: Square Push

How to find the sphinx

Actually get to mountain sanctuary However, it is not easy. There are two ways to reach it: crossing the Misty swamps from the east, or across the ancient battlefield to the south.

He Misty swamps the route is probably the simplest, but the swamps themselves are hidden on your map. Once you’re inside them, continue west (there’s a torchlit path that takes you here) and you’ll eventually reach the ruins of a small town. At the back of the town there are a series of rocky cliffs that you can climb. Climb up there and you’ll be out of the swamps and on the mountain trail toward the mountain sanctuary.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle 3 Answers, Locations, and Rewards
Image: Square Push

Keep in mind that when taking this route, you will have to face creatures that only appear at night, such as ghosts, skeletons, and zombies. This is because daylight cannot penetrate Misty swamps. On the way to the shrine, you’ll want to watch out for harpies and some rock-skinned saurians. There is a camp outside the Sphinx mountain sanctuary.

He ancient battlefield The route is a little more complicated to navigate. You will have to take the roads north of the Border rest checkpoint city ​​and continue as far north as you can.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle 4 Answers, Locations, and Rewards
Image: Square Push

If you haven’t figured it out yet, you’ll meet a man named Oscarwho will ask you to accompany him through the ancient battlefield as part of a mission called Touched to rest. By helping him, he will show you the way.

If you are not with Oscar, you will have to tour the castle ruins yourself. Once you are on top of the old battlements, look for a staircase that leads to the mountains and a cave called World Shipping Cavern. Continue through the cavern and you should emerge on paths heading towards the mountain sanctuary. However, with caution: World Shipping Cavern houses a powerful golem enemy.

Once you have found the mountain sanctuary, talk to the Sphinx and she will present you with five riddles. She chooses the riddles you want to hear and then it’s up to you to solve them.

IMPORTANT: At this point, you should consider placing a port glass nearly mountain sanctuarywhich allows you to quickly travel to it using a stone ferry. port glass They are very rare items that can be found throughout the game, usually through key quests, and can be placed anywhere on the map (they can also be picked up again and placed elsewhere).

What happens if you fail a puzzle?

If you fail a puzzle, the entire quest ends, the Sphinx will leave and that’s it. If, at any point, you think you’ve answered wrong and don’t want to fail the entire mission, quickly close the game and reload your save before the game has a chance to auto-save.

Can you fight the Sphinx?

Yes, you can start combat with the Sphinx by attacking it, but it accomplishes nothing. You won’t be able to defeat her and she will just fly away. As a result, you will fail the mission.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle 5 Answers, Locations, and Rewards
Image: Square Push

eye riddle

Let’s start at the top, with the eye riddle. The Sphinx will ask you to retrieve the “highest value item” from the nearby cave, located just at the foot of the stairs leading to the shrine. Enter and you’ll find skeletons, goblins, and an ogre, along with some treasure chests. These chests contain rotten food, which may make you wonder if this puzzle is some kind of trick.

However, the treasure chest you want is actually right at the cave entrance, and you’ll probably only notice it when you return. It is located right above the entrance and you will have to climb a couple of platforms to reach it. It contains an element called Sealing blister.

bring the Sealing blister Return to the Sphinx and you will have solved the first puzzle.

IMPORTANT: You can stay with him Sealing blister. This item can be used to trap an NPC, not a pawn, inside, allowing you to take them with you wherever you go. Using the Sealing blister will again free that NPC, but the item will break in the process. He Sealing blister It can be useful for later puzzles.

Prize: Wakestone

Madness Riddle

For him Madness Riddle, the Sphinx will task you with bringing your “most loved person” to the sanctuary. It refers to a character who has a great affinity with you. It could be someone you’ve completed a side quest for, so think about who you’ve helped on your travels. You No You have to have a romantic relationship with the character you choose.

If you have any doubts about who your “beloved” is, we suggest you wait until later in the game to answer this riddle. Once you have established a powerful bond with a character, you will notice that when you talk to them, their cheeks will turn red. This means that your affinity with that character is at maximum.

This is what it looks like:

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle 8 Answers, Locations, and Rewards
Image: Square Push

When you have made your choice, take that character to the Sphinx. The easiest way to do this is to pick up the character and then use a stone ferry to deform directly to mountain sanctuary Through the port glass which we previously suggested placing there.

Another way to do this is to wait until a character who likes you assigns you an escort mission. These missions usually start outside your house, where the character will be waiting for you. Accept the escort mission and that character will follow you wherever you go and will only leave when you reach the desired destination. This means you can take that character all the way. mountain sanctuary Although you’ll have to make sure they don’t get killed along the way!

And finally, you can use the Sealing blister from the eye riddle to suck the chosen character into the bottle and take it to the Sphinx. But keep in mind that the Sealing blister It will break when you release the character.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Sphinx Riddle 9 Answers, Locations and Rewards
Image: Square Push

Take your “beloved” to the platform in front of the Sphinx and take him down. Tell the Sphinx that is your answer and you will complete the riddle.

Prize: port glass

Wisdom Riddle

He Wisdom Riddle It is perhaps the most daring riddle of the Sphinx. She’ll ask you to find her “father” and depending on your experience with the game so far, you may have no idea what that means.

Here’s the kicker: Pawns can be created with nicknames related to the Sphinx, and you may have seen a few during your travels. there is SphinxFather and SphinxMotherand you must take a pawn with one of those nicknames to the Sphinx.

The easiest way to find a pawn with the nickname Sphinx is to visit the Fellowship Failure Stonewhich is located near the main entrance to harve town. This Riftstone is populated exclusively by pawns with Sphinx nicknames.

Hire one of these Sphinx-related pawns and take them to the mountain sanctuary. Pick them up and place them on the platform, then give your answer to the Sphinx.

Prize: 1,200 crack crystals

Conviction Riddle

He Conviction Riddle It is the easiest riddle of all, although it may not seem that way at first glance. The Sphinx will ask you for your “most prized possession”, but this is actually a trick. You can give the Sphinx any item you want; The real enigma is hidden in the title itself: ‘Conviction’. She will warn you that you may never get the item back, and that’s the real test here.

Deliver an item and accept its terms. She will congratulate you and the riddle will be solved.

Prize: The treasure chest will contain any items you gave to the Sphinx. Understood!

Rumination Riddle

This puzzle will be a big obstacle for many, and there is no way around it (as far as we know). The Sphinx will order you to return to the place where you found your first Search tab. And you only have seven in-game days to find it.

This is a bit of a nightmare. You might have an idea of ​​where you found your first seeker token: it was probably somewhere in the north, where you start the game, or within the town of Vernworth.

The sad truth is that we can’t really help you with this one; If you have no idea where to go, the best thing to do is try to retrace your steps from the beginning of the game.

Yeah You’re lucky to remember where that was first. Search tab was found, then in its place there will be a new element called Search tab. Take this token to the Sphinx to complete the puzzle.

Reward: Ferry Stone x3

How to find the sphinx (again)

By answering its five riddles, the Sphinx will leave the mountain sanctuary and fly south. He will now establish his residence in a place called Border Sanctuarywhich is located just southwest of the Checkpoint Rest City.

This guide is currently under construction. Be sure to come back soon for answers to the rest of the Sphinx riddles.

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