Easy Anti-Cheat Washes Hands of Apex Legends Hacking Disaster That Saw Streamers’ Accounts Hijacked Live: ‘No RCE Vulnerability Within EAC’ | Top Vip News


The day after the North American final of the Apex Legends Global Series was postponed due to a mid-match hack against two players, Easy Anti-Cheat issued a statement saying that “there is no RCE vulnerability” in its software that has been exploited to carry out the attack.

The first hack, against DarkZero’s Noyan “Genburten” Ozkose, took place during the third match of the day: he was suddenly able to see all the other players on the map, even through walls, and was eventually forced to abandon the game. game. , although his teammates managed to take second place despite being one man less. The second hack occurred in the next match: TSM’s Phillip “ImperialHal” Dosen suddenly found himself saddled with an aimbot. That match was eventually abandoned and the North American final was postponed “because the competitive integrity of this series is compromised.”

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