Europa Clipper will deliver a message to one of Jupiter’s moons • | Top Vip News


Scheduled for launch in October, NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft is ready to embark on a journey to Jupiter’s moon Europa, armed with a message of curiosity and human connection.

The mission continues NASA’s long tradition of sending inspiring artifacts into the cosmos, this time incorporating a unique submission encompassing more than 2.6 million names from the public, along with a moving poem dedicated to the exploration of this distant moon.

Europa, known for its icy exterior that hides a vast ocean beneath, contains more than twice the water found in Earth’s oceans, suggesting potential for life.

Europa Clipper’s message

To commemorate humanity’s quest for knowledge and the shared essence of water as a lifeline, Europa Clipper will carry a specially designed triangular metal plaque. This artifact is not just a symbol, but a bridge between science and art, and features “In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europe” by American Poet Laureate Ada Limón engraved next to a silicon microchip bearing millions of names. sent.

The microchip, central to an artistic illustration, embodies NASA technology.Message in a Bottle”Campaign, encouraging public participation in this interstellar journey.

Reflecting the Voyager Golden RecordIntended to showcase the diversity of life and culture on Earth, the Europa Clipper’s message is a rich tapestry of human creativity and research. Constructed of durable tantalum, the plaque measures 7 by 11 inches and is adorned with artwork that emphasizes our planetary kinship with Europe.

Universal connection through water.

In particular, it includes waveforms generated from recordings of the word “water” in 103 languages, surrounding a representation of the American Sign Language sign for “water,” symbolizing a universal connection through this essential element.

“The plate combines the best that humanity has to offer across the universe: science, technology, education, art and mathematics,” said Lori Glaze, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division. “The message of connection through water, essential to all life as we know it, perfectly illustrates Earth’s bond with this mysterious ocean world we set out to explore.”

The objectives of the Europa Clipper

As Europa Clipper ventures toward Jupiter after a 1.6 billion mile journey, its mission will be to analyze Europa’s subsurface ocean, ice sheet, atmosphere, and surrounding space environment for signs of habitability.

The spacecraft is equipped with a suite of scientific instruments, protected from Jupiter’s intense radiation by a protective dome, which will be sealed with the commemorative plaque.

An integral part of the spacecraft’s exploration objectives is the Drake equation, inscribed on the inside side of the plate. This equation, formulated by astronomer Frank Drake in 1961, explores the probability of finding advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Additionally, artworks that reference frequencies used in the quest for interstellar communication underscore humanity’s enduring quest to connect with the cosmos.

A journey of decades

The mission also pays tribute to planetary science pioneer Ron Greeley, recognizing his fundamental work in conceptualizing a mission to Europa.

Robert Pappalardo, NASA project scientist. Jet propulsion laboratory, reflects on the long gestation of the mission and the collective anticipation for the discoveries that await us. “It’s been a decades-long journey and we can’t wait to see what Europa Clipper shows us in this watery world,” she said.

When Europa Clipper is completed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the spacecraft’s next destination will be NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where it will await its monumental launch to uncover Europa’s mysteries and, potentially, secrets. of life beyond Earth.

Image and video credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


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