Fans demand Stray Kids’ Hyunjin leave the group


“If you can’t fix it, throw it away!”

The fans demanded stray childrenhyunjin leave the group.

Hyunjin | Rolling Stone UK

On March 14, a post titled “Stray Kids’ Hyunjin truck outside the JYP building” went viral. In the post, the author uploaded several photos of a protest truck outside jyp entertainment.


Hwang Hyunjin, come out.

— Protest truck

The truck had several posters sharing fans’ complaints, which arose from Hyunjin’s various controversies.


  • Who gave Stray Kids their thug image? You’re so cool Hyunjin!


  • If you can’t fix it, throw it away! Stop hindering the team and get out.


  • This is the third controversy. All three times, it’s about Hwang Hyunjin. What is JYP’s expulsion threshold?


  • Hyunjin again? That Hyunjin?

Netizens reacted to the post and many agreed that Hyunjin had a negative influence on the group’s image.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 13.14.15

  • Why is he being retained after the bully controversy?
  • To be honest, it seems like the group could have been bigger with a positive image if it weren’t for him.
  • They should only criticize him for his faults. This time he was the victim of malicious rumors.
  • Three controversies? What else happened besides the bullying problem?
  • They should have fired him after his bullying controversy.
  • He should have been kicked out when his bullying controversy first came to light.
  • That group is marked as bullies, so I feel bad for the other members. I’m sure the trucker isn’t complaining.

What are your thoughts?

stray children

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