FF7 Rebirth Tip: Be Careful When Skipping Scenes | Top Vip News


Final Fantasy VII Rebirthsecond part of the ambitious project to remake 1997 Final Fantasy VII, arrives tomorrow February 29. Fans eager to play this new entry have likely spent some time in the game’s demo, which launched on February 6. play the demoYou will have the opportunity to skip a large section of the opening scene, but not all of it.

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shooting up Renaissance For the first time after playing the demo, you’ll still need to play parts of Cloud’s flashback. Eventually, you’ll be given the option to skip most of it, but don’t get too happy, as you can easily miss some of the essential story content if you’re not careful. Seriously, don’t ruin this experience because you’re impatient.

You’ll still have to play out parts of Nibelheim’s flashback.

While you can skip a major part of the flashback after playing the demo, Renaissance It will still force you to play through the opening and conclusion of Cloud’s traumatic memories in the full game.

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Even if you played and finished the demo, you’ll start the game (after a separate prelude) with Sephiroth’s first fight against a demon in the rain. Then you will go to Nibelheim, where Cloud can visit his mother, eat a sandwich, and visit Tifa’s house. You won’t be able to skip anything until you take a short trip with Tifa and Sephiroth outside the city, where you’ll fight a single pair of monsters. After this, you will receive a message to skip the journey through Mount Nibel and all the combat that precedes it, including Cloud’s first visit to the reactor.

A screenshot from Final Fantasy VII Rebirth shows a notification asking the player to skip a part of the game.

Screenshot: Square Enix / Claire Jackson / Kotaku

From here you can skip the core of the flashback, avoiding many fights, climbing sequences, and the confrontation with the Hexadragon (known as Materia Keeper in the 1997 original). You’ll still have to stumble back into the flames after talking to Sephiroth in the Shinra Manor basement, and I’m sorry to tell you that you’ll have to painfully make your way through that whole cutscene where you have to hold L2/R2 while people are standing around Sephiroth holding and never using his weapons (you and I know that wouldn’t have stopped him, but it still seems silly).

Be careful what scenes you skip!

This is where things get complicated. If you’re eager to continue with the full game, you might be in the mood to skip as much as you can. And I don’t blame you. In general, you can skip scenes in Renaissance by pressing the pause button and choosing “Skip” (non-skippable dialogue scenes can be sped up by pressing the circle).

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If you skip the iconic scene where Sephiroth turns to walk into the flames before running off to see his mom, there’s a good chance you’ll end up skipping what comes next: Cloud’s confrontation with Sephiroth in the reactor.

This is an essential part of the story that is not in the demo and is very easy to skip if you are eager to continue. RenaissanceThe main ration. If you want to fast forward through other parts of the flashback, that shouldn’t be a problem. But once you get to Sephiroth’s “watch me walk through fire, I’m so cool” moment, just let the game play out so you don’t abruptly jump to Kalm and miss some critical story moments that will reappear. frequently throughout RenaissanceThe story of.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth It features many highlights, such as its huge open world and exciting battle system. However, for many, if not most, the story is what really counts. So be careful if you’re too eager to join the party in Kalm after Cloud’s sad origin story.

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