Gayle King shares video of Oprah Winfrey reading to her grandson Luca in tribute for his 70th birthday


By Brian Gallagher for

03:09 January 30, 2024, updated 07:06 January 30, 2024

Gayle King is celebrating her friend Oprah Winfrey’s 70th birthday with a healthy tribute involving Gayle’s grandson Luca.

King, 69, who met Winfrey when they both worked at a Baltimore television station in the late 1970s, shared a video of the Queen of All Media reading to Luca.

Oprah was reading the children’s book Little Blue Truck’s Christmas, which King said was taken during her Christmas vacation.

‘Happy to say that @oprah, at 70 years old, is still a very good reader! “Although Luca, her favorite grandson, is too young to understand how special this moment was during the Christmas holidays, it’s not lost on me,” King began.

He added: “When they asked him how he wanted to spend his birthday, he said: ‘No gifts, no parties, no surprises!'”

Gayle King is celebrating her friend Oprah Winfrey’s 70th birthday with a healthy tribute involving Gayle’s grandson Luca.
King, 69, who met Winfrey when they both worked at a Baltimore television station in the late 1970s, shared a video of the Queen of All Media reading to Luca.

‘His preference was to sit by the fire with a good book and savor the fragrance of his life! Happy birthday Oprah!!’ concluded the king.

The adorable video showed Oprah reading the story to Luca, the two-year-old son of King’s daughter Kirby Bumpus.

Oprah was also helping young Luca pronounce several words, adding at the end of the book: “Aunt O really liked reading the book to you…and now Aunt O is going to take a moment of quiet,” as you can hear King laugh behind. the camera.

King’s CBS This Morning show also took to X to share a video from Monday’s broadcast, where the host wished him a happy birthday.

‘Happy 70th birthday Oprah! “Gayle King sends a birthday wish to her best friend and shares some of the words Oprah herself wrote to commemorate the occasion,” the post read.

The video showed King reading an essay Oprah wrote about turning 70 on her website.

No day is ever promised to any of us. “So reaching this important milestone feels like grace in action,” Oprah wrote.

‘When I turned 50, I wrote that on every birthday, you decide to mark it as the end of your best days or the beginning of your best moment. “This still rings true to me,” Oprah continued in the essay.

‘His preference was to sit by the fire with a good book and savor the fragrance of his life! Happy birthday Oprah!!’ King concluded
The adorable video showed Oprah reading the story to Luca, the two-year-old son of King’s daughter Kirby Bumpus.
Oprah was also helping young Luca pronounce several words, adding at the end of the book: “Aunt O really liked reading the book to you…and now Aunt O is going to take a moment of quiet,” as you can hear King laugh behind. the camera

King added on the show that “this weekend, she just sat by the fire, feeding him pine cones.”

King told her that he thinks turning 70 is “worth celebrating,” but Oprah said, “Just because you want to celebrate my 70th birthday doesn’t mean I should.”

King also joked that if you see Oprah today, “give her a hug, because she loves hugs from strangers.”

Oprah also received tributes from Viola Davis, Tyler Perry, Maria Shriver and many more.

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