Google warns users about spam attacks on Google Drive; Here’s how to protect | Top Vip News


Google Drive has become aware of a recent series of spam campaigns asking the user to approve a questionable file.

New Delhi: IT giant Google has lately alerted consumers about an increase in spam attacks targeting Google Drive users. Some people have complained to Google about receiving requests to approve questionable files sent to their Google Drive account. Google Drive has become aware of a recent series of spam campaigns asking the user to approve a questionable file. Google sent a tip that said: “Follow the methods in Flag or unflag spam in Drive for any files you suspect may be spam.”



Learn more about the warning issued by Google and how to protect yourself against the Drive Spam attack.

Google alerts spam users

Upon receiving suspicious files, Google advises users not to approve the document or open any of the links it contains. Rather, users are urged to open the file safely, report any abuse, and ban the user linked to it. To reduce potential dangers, Google emphasizes that users should not connect to any links or approve the document.

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Google adds that if the notification does not open the file immediately, it is because the spam document was blocked after the notification was sent. Google is making continuous improvements to its detection algorithms to stop sending these types of messages in the future.

Steps to protect yourself from spam attacks

Here are some steps to take to protect yourself from spam attacks:

  1. Be careful with suspicious links: Avoid clicking on links in emails or notifications from unknown senders, especially those that ask you to sign in to your Google account or access shared documents.
  2. Report suspicious activity: If you find a suspicious file or email, report it as abuse and block the user associated with it. On mobile devices, tap the three-dot menu attached to the file and select “Report.” On computers, right-click the file and choose the “Block or Report” option.
  3. Use the spam folder– Google Drive introduced a spam folder in 2023 to store potentially dangerous files. Move any files that look suspicious to this folder to separate them from normal files and prevent associated updates or notifications.
  4. Stay Educated: Educate yourself and your organization about the signs of phishing when sharing to Google Drive. Knowledge of the most common phishing tactics is crucial to protecting users and organizations from falling victim to these types of attacks.
  5. Improve security awareness: Cybersecurity leaders should provide security awareness training to employees at all levels. Regular training sessions and phishing simulation tools can help employees recognize and respond to phishing attempts effectively.

These proactive steps improve security and help users manage potentially risky content effectively.

Post Date: Mar 16, 2024 7:38 pm IST

Update Date: Mar 16, 2024 7:38 pm IST

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