Harry and Meghan at the Super Bowl fuel the theory about Harry’s trip to the United Kingdom


NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 23: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, pose at One World Observatory on September 23, 2021 in New York City. (Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images)

It should come as no surprise that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be attending Sunday’s Super Bowl, given that Harry was in Las Vegas on Thursday night, surprising the crowd at the NFL Honors by taking the stage to introduce the prestigious Walter Man Payton. Award of the Year.

It makes sense for Harry to stay in Las Vegas to attend some Super Bowl parties and then attend the big game, watching the San Francisco 49ers battle the Kansas City Chiefs. as reported by the Daily Mail, citing Fox News. Meghan is expected to fly out and meet him sometime over the weekend, according to the report.

But Harry’s evidently scheduled appearance at the NFL Honors on Thursday night raises new questions about his very brief trip to London two days earlier to visit King Charles III, who has been diagnosed with cancer. Although somewhat estranged from his father, Harry traveled across the Atlantic and back, 5,000 miles each way, for what turned out to be a 30-minute audience with his father.

Since it became known that the renegade Duke of Sussex barely spent any time with the king and did not see any other members of his family during his visit, especially his brother, Prince William, people began to wonder why the royal, conscious of the environment, he felt the need. rushing on a plane that spits C02 and staying only 25 hours in London. After all, Harry probably should have assumed that there was no need to rush to see his father in person this week, because he would have been told that the cancer was caught early and was “eminently treatable.” Royal Daily Beast reporter Tom Skye said.

Suspicious minds began to ponder the possibility of Harry making the trip for positive PR, according to the Daily Beast and another report. in the Daily Mail. In fact, the duke’s representatives let the media know that he was on his way to the United Kingdom, shortly after Buckingham Palace publicly announced the king’s diagnosis on Monday night. By hopping on a plane and rushing to the UK, Harry could “present himself as the dutiful, concerned son” despite openly criticizing his father and other family members in his book “Spare,” the actor said. Daily Beast.

The PR stunt theory gained traction, according to to the daily mail, after Harry appeared at the NFL Honors on Thursday night. He donned a smart black tuxedo and joked about Americans stealing rugby from the English, before presenting the service award to Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Cameron Heyward, who was surprised but delighted to see the duke.

If nothing else, Harry’s appearance at the NFL Honors shows that he had an extremely busy schedule all week and, in any case, he couldn’t have spent much time with his father even if the king had asked him to stay a few days. , in order to heal their relationship.

According to one theory, it’s also possible that Harry wanted to make sure he was seen as a loving son, before appearing in Las Vegas, cracking jokes at the NFL Honors and possibly going to parties. One reviewer wrote in Super Bowl festivities. .”

If the trip wasn’t an explicit PR move, the Daily Beast also cited friends of the royal family who accused Harry of acting like an impulsive “teenager on a reality show” or of “creating unnecessary drama” and “making everything about himself.” “Monday’s announcement that Harry was rushing to London raised public concern that Charles’ cancer might be advanced and that he was “on death’s door,” a longtime family friend told the Daily Beast. friend also said: “It created panic at the worst possible time.”

While actual author Robert Jobson wrote While Harry’s trip may have been “well-intentioned,” he said the duke also did not appear to ask anyone whether it would be appropriate for his father to have his visit at this early stage of his cancer treatment.

Etiquette experts actually say that friends and family should call ahead and make sure a seriously ill or hospitalized loved one feels emotionally or physically ready to receive visitors. Perhaps Charles was genuinely “moved” by his son’s announcement that he was coming to London and was eager to see him, Jobson said. Or, the king may also have felt that he could not say no given the distance his son traveled, even though such a visit could be emotionally charged for both of them, given their strained relationship.

Fueling the idea that Harry rushed to London “without being called,” there were reports that the renegade royal kept Charles and his wife, Queen Camilla, waiting, as Jobson wrote. Charles and Camilla were packed and ready to board a helicopter to fly to the royal family’s rural estate in Sandringham, where the king was expected to rest after undergoing a hospital procedure the day before.

But “their majesties were left hanging around Clarence House, their main home in London, while they waited for their errant youngest son to appear,” Jobson wrote. The Times of London quoted courtiers who also said the king was tired from the hospital procedure the day before. However, he requested an audience with his son, who was reportedly escorted by police after arriving at Heathrow Airport.

That night, Harry did not stay with any family or friends, but in a hotel, a sign that he has become estranged from most of his family and even old friends in the United Kingdom. according to real observers.

“The scathing criticism” and suspicions about Harry’s motives “reveal the persistent depth of distrust” toward the duke among some members of British society’s inner circle, the Daily Beast’s Sykes wrote.

While Jobson said he can’t blame Harry for rushing to the U.K. because his father’s diagnosis is “a serious matter,” he said the prince should also “spend some time reflecting on the stress it has caused him.” to the king”, with his audience. criticism of the monarchy, while his father mourned the death of his parents, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II, and took on his new job as king.

A former courtier offered another insight into Harry’s quick journey, telling the Daily Beast that it could be beneficial in the long run. “Overall, I think the situation has gone pretty well for everyone. Getting those two together in a room for half an hour is actually a remarkable achievement and sends all the right messages of forgiveness and reconciliation without rolling out the red carpet.”

However, Prince William is not expected to be so forgiving, given that he and his wife, Kate Middleton, were harshly criticized in Harry’s “Spare” and in interviews he gave to promote the memoir. But the former courtier also said that Harry’s visit could make it easier for her to return and see his father again.

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