‘He had stopped caring about the results’ | Top Vip News


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The last 12 months have seen large-scale layoffs at software giants Google, which have been forced to reduce their workforce for one or more reasons. Despite the layoffs, however, a job at Google remains one of the most sought-after opportunities for techies in India and around the world.

However, landing a job at software giants is not as easy as it seems and a tech expert recently shared how he landed a job at Google after clearing eight rounds of interviews and how not searching for the job at Google helped him, after two rejections in 2016 and 2018.

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Sahil Gaba was working at Amazon when a Google recruiter contacted him for an interview in 2021. The technician found it difficult to get a new position elsewhere and decided to try again after facing rejections from several companies.

“For a long time at that point, I had already faced hundreds of rejections. I had stopped worrying about the results of the interviews because I had taken and failed many of them,” Gaba said. Business Insider.

The techie said a key factor that helped him land the Google job on his third try was that he wasn’t desperate to leave his current role at Amazon.

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“I enjoyed working with my coworkers at Amazon. I also had no problem falling behind,” he said.

He also felt that having enough experience with coding also contributed to him getting the job at Google. “Though I was new, I was under more pressure while writing the code. Now writing the code is not the challenge; as long as I could find the solution, the writing part was easy,” he said.

Gaba decided to adopt a practice commonly followed in the IT industry (granting interviews to competitors) during the third round and attended interviews at companies like Meta and Uber.

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He also said he urged candidates to look for jobs without using a reference, as he felt one was submitting their applications to a recruiter and not a job, when applying for positions.

“Essentially you’re not applying for a job, you’re applying for a recruiter,” he said.

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