Holi Horoscope 2024: What the stars predict for each sign of the zodiac | Astrology


According to Hindu tradition, the festival of Holi is celebrated on the day of the full moon (Purnima) during the Phalguna month. This year, Purnima Tithi will start from 9:54 am on March 24 to 12:29 pm on March 25. This colorful festival signifies the triumph of good over evil and is considered the beginning of the season of rebirth and regeneration. Let’s see how the planetary position at this time will influence our luck during the year.

Aries: The arrival of Holi means a new journey to your life. The stars offer you the opportunity to leave behind the shyness that holds you back and show your true self, which is brave. This is the time to start something new in your personal or professional field. There may be scope for growth or advancement, but be careful about moving forward with a clear plan. Communication and teamwork will be of utmost importance to your success.

Taurus: We recommend that you reconsider your priorities and ensure that they align with your core values. This Holi, go deeper to develop the necessary harmony between your personal and professional goals. Enter the festival being surrounded by the people you love and valuing the bonds that make you happy and strengthen you. Financial problems may be your responsibility, but you can handle any problem with your practical mind and perseverance.

Gemini: The spirit of Holi will awaken in you the desire to experience new things and broaden your perspectives. This is the perfect opportunity to try new forms of self-expression through art and music or intellectual conversation. Engage in vibrant discussions and don’t hesitate to voice your opinion as others may have the right answers. However, be concise when communicating and avoid misunderstandings or making hasty decisions.

cancer: This Holi you will feel a new sense of energy and your spirit will be rejuvenated. The stars indicate the importance of taking care of emotional health and cultivating strong family ties. Open your heart to the warmth and sense of belonging that this holiday brings and let it give you life back. This is a golden opportunity to bond with your loved ones and create a lifetime of memories together. But don’t bury yourself too deep in your protective shell.

Lion: Holi festivities will suit your majestic and charming character. Believe in yourself and be the star of the party by showing your bright personality. This is a fantastic period for creative expression, regardless of whether it is through the arts or other innovative projects. Be part of the festive atmosphere and spread your happiness and kindness to everyone else. Remember not to overtake others or let your ego steer you off course.

Virgo: With the world shining in all colors, you may find yourself seeking a safe harbor in the familiarity of routine. The stars guide you to achieve a healthy balance between your grounded nature and a receptive attitude. This Holi maintains a sense of discipline and efficiency. He participates in activities that nourish your mind and body, and seeks the opportunity for self-development and personal progress. But be careful with your criticisms and don’t let them become too harsh and unrealistic.

Pound: Holi festival gives you a new opportunity to bring harmony and balance in your life. Now is the perfect time to be in the company of your loved ones. Embrace the vibrancy of the colors and the joy of the event, but also find time for quiet and contemplation. Your innate diplomacy and ability to be charming will help you significantly in any social situation you may face. However, do not give up your values ​​or pretend in the search for harmony.

Scorpion: This Holi is an excellent opportunity to release any emotional baggage or negative thought patterns that would otherwise have held you back. Now is the time to give your all to the things you love and let them drive you towards improvement. Engage in activities that allow you to be as passionate as possible through artistic endeavors or spiritual practices. However, be alert and do not overdo negative feelings.

Sagittarius: The cosmic energies of this Holi urge you to step out of your comfort zone and be open to new adventures. Embark on new adventures whether in your personal or professional life. Engage in activities that exercise your mind and improve your outlook, but at the same time, don’t forget to maintain a sense of moderation and responsibility. Your optimism and vitality will help you; Don’t forget to become too impulsive.

Capricorn: The world around you may be preparing for the arrival of spring, but you may be thinking about how practical things will affect your long-term goals. The cosmic harmony of Holi encourages you to find a middle path between the struggle to achieve goals and the ability to enjoy the present. This Holi, money or career related opportunities may come your way but don’t rush to grab them until you are safe and careful enough. Try not to become inflexible or rigid.

Aquarium: The stars of this Holi will inspire you and you will be able to celebrate the diversity and uniqueness that surrounds you. This is a perfect period to participate in things that create unity, awareness and social change. Embrace the bright colors and cheerful atmosphere, but at the same time, look for ways to make a difference in your community. You can bring new ideas and different approaches, but be careful not to become too isolated or reject existing traditions.

Pisces: This Holi, the stars allow you to discover the power of your intuitive nature and tap into your creative well. Immerse yourself in activities that feed your soul and give you the venue to showcase your artistic talents. Create a space for yourself where the people around you understand and accept your sensitive nature. Look for moments of silence amidst the noisy festivities. On the other hand, don’t get too absorbed in your inner world.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)

Email: info@astrozindagi.in, neeraj@astrozindagi.in

URL: www.astrozindagi.in

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