Hour change at downtown Des Moines Hy-Vee encounters resistance | Top Vip News


The first customers of downtown Des Moines' Hy-Vee line up in early 2017, waiting for the store to open its doors.

Hy-Vee’s drastic reduction in operating hours at its downtown Des Moines store is not going down well with the City Council, which is also rejecting, along with Des Moines police, the supermarket chain’s claim that the change is necessary in part to protect staff. and customers amid increasing store theft and loitering.

The city said Wednesday that Hy-Vee has 45 days to return to operating from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., after which it and Knapp Properties, the developer of the 420 Court Ave. building that houses the store, could be violating an agreement. developmental.

Hy-Vee spokeswoman Tina Potthoff said Wednesday afternoon that meetings between Hy-Vee and the city are taking place “now.”

The downtown Hy-Vee store at 420 Court Ave. will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

“Today we have been talking to the city about a resolution to better serve our customers downtown,” he said. “We are making some adjustments that we hope to announce soon.”

City Council member Josh Mandelbaum, whose District 3 includes downtown, said the claim that safety concerns played a role in cutting a third of hours, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., sounded like “a pretext.” He called the cut “completely unreasonable” for a grocery store serving a downtown with a growing population.

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