How to eat oats to avoid blood glucose spikes, according to a nutritionist | Top Vip News


We all grew up believing that a bowl of oatmeal was the healthiest thing to have for breakfast. And it’s not our fault, the reality is that we fell for those million-dollar marketing campaigns that told us that a bowl of this fiber-rich cereal could reduce cardiovascular diseases and blood glucose levels. And while the latter is true, you probably don’t know that this classic breakfast can cause glucose spikes. “Oats are 100% starch and starch turns into glucose when digested,” explains scientist Jessie Inchauspé on her Glucose Goddess website.

It is common to think that sweet foods will make you feel more energetic in the morning, but perhaps we have been wrong for a long time. “Science shows us that, although a sweet, starchy breakfast gives us pleasure (it releases dopamine in the brain), it is not the best way to give us energy,” shares Inchauspé. “It causes a glucose spike, which impairs our body’s ability to produce energy efficiently, makes us tired, and causes all kinds of side effects.” But pause, this doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye forever to your favorite bowl of oatmeal, which is why at Vogue we put together the best advice from nutrition experts so you can do it the right way.

What is the point of eating oatmeal every day?

“If you eat oats prepared the right way, without sugar or additives, every day you can obtain many benefits for your health such as: having a high intake of fiber, reducing cholesterol, maintaining satiety and regulating your blood sugar levels. ”says nutritionist Mariana Pérez Trejo. Although she warns that consuming a variety of foods is essential to obtain different vitamins and minerals. “It is also important to measure your portions, because if you are consuming exaggerated amounts of oats, in addition to being highly caloric coverage (honey, nuts, chocolates, sugar, boxed cereals, etc.) you may be counterproductive to your health.

The nutritionist also highlights that oats are considered a carbohydrate, so if your goal is to increase protein consumption, a bowl of oats is not the best solution. “Most of the calories in oats come from carbohydrates, especially the soluble fiber known as beta-glucan,” she tells Vogue. “So if you’re looking for a protein-rich food, meat, fish, protein powder, legumes, dairy, etc. are better options.”

Does oats cause glucose spikes?

On their own, oats can increase blood sugar. That is why nutritionist Pérez-Trejo recommends: “Mix oats with egg whites. These will not give it any flavor, but you will be adding proteins to your oats to avoid a sudden spike in glucose.” She also suggests adding a Addition of walnuts, almonds or unsweetened peanut butter. “Adding healthy fats also helps prevent spikes,” she explains. Scientist Jessie Inchauspé takes up that idea on her website and explains that adding fat or protein to a carbohydrate-rich breakfast prevents you from starting to feel hungry within half an hour. So a bowl of oatmeal accompanied by other foods will make you feel more satiated.

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