How to watch Turkey’s first astronaut return to Earth in the SpaceX capsule | Top Vip News


Turkey’s first astronaut will depart the International Space Station on Wednesday, after spending 18 days at the orbital laboratory as part of a private mission.

Alper Gezeravci, a 44-year-old fighter pilot in the Turkish Air Force, and three fellow astronauts were on the Axiom-3 mission, which launched aboard a SpaceX rocket on Jan. 20 from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Their return to Earth was initially scheduled for February 3, but a storm that developed off the coast of Florida forced it to be postponed.

SpaceX is now targeting Wednesday, depending on the weather.

“I deeply feel the value and responsibility of this moment as we push the boundaries of science and discovery in the light of our rising star,” Gezeravci posted on X on Sunday, along with a selfie in front of the dome, the Spacial station. panoramic window.

“We will wait a little longer to return to Earth. I hope to return to my country to add value to the steps our country has taken in the field of science and technology with the experiences I have acquired on this unique trip.”

Where to watch the return trip

SpaceX, Nasa and Axiom Space will broadcast the return trip on their websites and social networks. SpaceX will announce the undocking time of the SpaceX Dragon capsule.

SpaceX and Axiom Space will also offer coverage for Earth re-entry and landing. The duration of the trip and landing time will be revealed once the astronauts have departed.

Space botany and other experiments.

While aboard the ISS, Gezeravci conducted 13 experiments sent to him by universities and medical facilities across Turkey.

Bogazici University in Istanbul sent him a study that investigated the growth and resistance of microalgae species under microgravity conditions.

The astronaut noted the findings, which will help researchers measure the metabolic changes of the microalgae and their potential as life support systems.

Another experiment that Gezeravci carried out was at Hacettepe University in Ankara. This measured the impact of space travel and radiation on the body’s immune system, at the level of myeloid-deprived suppressor cells.

These cells prevent the immune system from becoming overactive, which could lead to autoimmune diseases.

Astronauts’ immune systems are affected by radiation, so researchers can test how cells behave in microgravity conditions, which will help provide more information.

More access to space

The trip to the space station was organized by Axiom Space, a Houston-based company that is developing a space station and organizing missions to the ISS.

He also helped organize UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi’s six-month mission to the ISS, from March to September last year.

Axiom Space helped establish Saudi Arabia’s mission to space last year, which saw Rayyanah Barnawi – the first Arab woman to carry out a space mission – and Ali Al Qarni completing eight days on the ISS.

The company recently signed an agreement with the UK Space Agency to send four UK astronauts on a private mission.

Updated: February 6, 2024, 3:58 am

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