Is it okay to consume a handful of nuts in winter?

Winters aren’t just about snuggling up in cozy sweaters and drinking piping hot Chai; It’s also that time of year when nuts and dried fruits take center stage in our kitchens. These little nuggets are not only delights to tickle your taste buds, but they are also packed with numerous health benefits. However, it’s key to strike a balance, as too many of these nutritious treats may not be ideal. Whether walnuts, almonds or other dried fruits, savoring them in adequate quantities guarantees a healthy and delicious winter treat. Dried fruits, including almonds, walnuts, and dates, offer various health benefits, such as support for heart and brain health, and a quick supply of energy. Understanding its qualities is vital for a balanced and nutritious diet.
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by TOI Lifestyle Desk

How many nuts should you eat?

Well, health advisors and nutritionists emphasize the importance of moderation. While it’s easy to get carried away and eat these delicious snacks, consuming them in large quantities can lead to increased LDL cholesterol and higher fasting glucose levels. On the contrary, a moderate intake of nuts such as almonds and walnuts can be beneficial, as they help reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides. You should aim for a small handful, approximately 20 grams, per day. This amount strikes the right balance, allowing you to enjoy the benefits without the risks of excessive consumption. For most adults, a good rule of thumb is four to six servings of organic, unsalted, and unflavored nuts per week. Remember, these are general guidelines; Individual dietary needs may vary significantly.


The correct way to eat nuts

The way you consume dried fruits and nuts is as important as the quantity. For example, roasting nuts at high temperatures can cause oxidation of their beneficial fats. It is best to consume them raw or lightly roasted to preserve their nutritional value. While dried fruits are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they are also high in natural sugars and calories. This is particularly important for people who are watching their weight or managing diabetes. Therefore, a small handful of nuts a day can keep you in good health and good mood throughout the winter, without the risk of overdoing it.

But nuts have much more than just their health benefits. They are incredibly versatile. You can sprinkle chopped nuts over your morning oatmeal or yogurt, add them to your salads for extra crunch, or even blend them into smoothies for a nutrient-packed breakfast. Dates and figs can be used to sweeten desserts naturally, providing a healthier alternative to refined sugars.

The bottom line

In essence, dried fruits and nuts are not just about flavor; They are a combination of health, convenience and versatility. As the winter air turns crisp, remember that a little goes a long way with these nutrient-dense snacks. Enjoy them in moderation and they can be one of your best allies in maintaining good health during the winter months. Stay warm, stay healthy, and let the goodness of dried fruits add that extra touch to your winter days!

(Written by Marisha Baurai, Food Innovation Technologist at Farmley)