Jay Leno Files for Guardianship of His Wife Due to Worsening Dementia


Comedian and television personality Jay Leno filed court papers on Friday, seeking to become guardian of his wife Mavis, to whom he has been married since 1980, claiming that her worsening dementia diagnosis has led to her not being able to manage her own affairs.

According to various media, including Los Angeles TimesLeno brought the matter before a family court judge in an effort to create a living trust and other estate plans to ensure his 77-year-old wife has “managed sufficient assets to cover her care” in the event of his death. far in front of her.

“Unfortunately, Mavis has been progressively losing capacity and orientation in space and time for several years,” the petition details. “Jay is fully capable of continuing to support Mavis’ physical and financial needs, as he has done throughout their marriage,” and further said that Mrs. Leno “is not opposed to the establishment of a conservatorship and does not prefer that another person act as curator.”

As the Los Angeles Times continues: “It was unclear when Mavis Leno was first diagnosed with the disease, but a November medical report, filed as part of the court process, said she suffered from problems with memory, ability to concentrate and use of the reason.”

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