Jay Leno files for guardianship of his wife’s estate; The petition says the 43-year-old spouse suffers from dementia.


Jay Leno filed for guardianship of his wife’s estate on Friday at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles.

According to court documents obtained by NBC News, Leno’s wife, Mavis Leno, suffers from dementia and, because of it, is unable to execute an estate plan.

“Unfortunately, Mavis has been progressively losing capacity and orientation in space and time for several years,” the guardianship petition states.

The petition seeks court approval for a substituted judgment approving estate planning and implementing a testamentary plan that Leno believes his wife would execute if she were capable.

“Since Mavis’ current condition renders her incapable of executing the estate plan,” the petition states, “Jay has petitioned the Court to be appointed conservator of Mavis’ estate for the sole purpose of filing a motion for substituted judgment on her behalf. to ensure your wishes regarding the disposition of your assets after your death are carried out.”

The petition claims that the couple has been together for more than 43 years, and that during that time Leno has always managed the couple’s finances. They do not have kids.

Court documents state that Leno believes his wife consents to guardianship of his estate and would not prefer anyone else to be appointed guardian in her place.

There will be another hearing on the matter on April 9.

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