Jonathan Majors accused of physical and emotional abuse by two more women | Jonathan Mayores


Actor Jonathan Majors has been accused of physical and emotional abuse by two more women.

In a New York Times report, two ex-girlfriends of the Creed III and Marvel actor have spoken out against the alleged behavior as the 34-year-old awaits sentencing for assaulting and harassing another ex-partner. His testimonies were also used as pre-trial statements.

Emma Duncan was engaged to Majors between 2015 and 2019 and alleges she once found messages between him and another woman when she visited him on the set of the western Hostiles. After she began packing up her things, she claims he pushed her onto a couch and strangled her. Majors then said: “I’m going to kill you” before throwing her across the room and adding: “I’m going to make sure you can’t have children.”

Duncan claims that on another occasion Majors picked her up and slammed her into a mailbox after an argument, causing bruises. A year later, she claims, he threw her to the ground.

He claims that his account of their relationship is “well documented” and adds: “I stand by the facts described.”

Before getting together, Majors dated Maura Hooper, who also shared her testimony about his alleged emotional abuse. She claims he was controlling and refused to let her “talk to anyone about her relationship, isolating her from a support system” and after becoming pregnant early, she had an abortion.

During an argument when she confronted him about alleged infidelity, he threatened suicide (Duncan also attests that he made frequent threats of suicide). A year after they broke up and Majors discovered she was dating someone she knew, he allegedly called her a whore and told her, “I hope you die; kill yourself” and “I’m going to rip you from my heart like they ripped our baby away from you.”

The actor’s lawyer, Priya Chaudhry, has denied all allegations of physical abuse but has called both relationships “toxic” and that her client took responsibility for her role in them. She added that her client “regrets saying hurtful things.”

Majors has also been accused of inappropriate behavior on the set of the HBO drama Lovecraft Country. His co-workers on the show have claimed that Majors was difficult with the women he worked with. He has been accused of threatening behavior and making derogatory racial comments, and after three women complained to HBO, he was forced to apologize, calling it all a misunderstanding.

Chaudhry claims that “he has never been told that anyone objected to his behavior.”

In December 2023, Majors was found guilty of two misdemeanor charges of assault and harassment against an ex-girlfriend. His attorney said Majors “still has faith in the process and hopes to completely clear his name.” That same day Marvel dropped it. He had been playing the character of Kang in big and small screen projects.

In a televised interview in January, Majors denied hitting a woman and said he planned to appeal. This week his sentence was postponed after his attorney filed a motion to delay. It will now take place in April.

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