Josh Brolin jokes about Timothee Chalamet and strips down to his underwear


Josh Brolin is in on the joke. During his opening monologue on the March 9 episode of “Saturday Night Live,” the “Dune 2” actor talked about his “super creepy poem” about Timothée Chalamet.

“I don’t think it’s creepy, but you be the judge,” he told the audience before reading part of the poem that appears in his coffee table book titled “Dune: Exposures.”

For reference, one verse says: “The way you hold my gaze/makes me fear my own age. Because something in me tells me/You’re going to offer me something and,/for now/I’m not sure/it’s going to be/something/that I already want.”

Brolin then set the record straight and said, “No, I don’t want to sleep with him, but that’s what I do: I write poems about everyone I work with. This week I wrote a poem about Kenan (Thompson),” he said before reading a few lines about Thompson’s “eternal face” and “sensual eyes.”

At the end of his monologue, the actor explained that he’s been doing cold dives for 20 years, comparing the difficulty of that to hosting “Saturday Night Live.” With that, he took off his suit jacket, shirt, and pants, and stepped into an ice bath in his socks and underwear. Needless to say, the audience applauded.

Continuing with the theme, apparently the first sketch also It showed Brolin stripping down to his underwear, this time for a robbery sketch with Heidi Gardner.

Watch the full opening in the video below:

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