Kate Middleton’s uncle Gary Goldsmith fuels royal fears of media ‘fueling frenzy’


Kate Middleton’s uncle, who has been convicted of violence against a woman, called Meghan Markle a “stick in the spokes” in an extraordinary outburst on a British reality television show that will increase fears about her media incursion.

Meanwhile, friends of Kate and Prince William have expressed concern to The Daily Beast about their appearance on the British reality show. Celebrity Big Brother will “fuel the frenzy” over the health of the Princess of Wales.

The friends spoke out when Gary, brother of Kate’s mother Carole Middleton, made headlines on the second day of the show by criticizing recent attacks on Kate on social media.

According to reports in multiple Departures, Gary said: “I think they should leave her alone right now because there’s a reason why (the royals) don’t talk about it and they’re giving her some space. I just think it’s fundamentally wrong and if it were happening to anyone else, they would think about giving him some space. But because Kate is Kate… there’s always interest in her.

“She is the number one royal for a reason and I just beg people to give her some space. I think they are changing the dynamic and focusing on family. They have a duty and it is a privilege to have the roles they have, but family comes first. You have to take care of yourself. You put on your own oxygen mask before taking care of others. Kate, get well, I love you and when you’re ready we’ll see you again. That’s what we do to anyone else, why not to her?

On Tuesday’s show, according to a report in the SunGoldsmith said: “So I’m of the opinion that Harry was very, very loved and when they were a trio, Kate, William and Harry became very comfortable together, and suddenly there’s an extra dynamic that comes into play, it puts ‘It’s a stick in the spokes and creates so much drama that I really don’t believe exists, and rewrites history, saying they’re not happy with us and I just don’t think that’s fair.”

He added: “You can’t criticize your family in such dramatic style, then write books about it and expect to be invited to spend Christmas.”

The comments were immediately called hypocritical about X by people who pointed out that Goldsmith was convicted of assaulting his wife in 2017.

Kensington Palace did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Beast.

Although at first glance Goldsmith’s comments may seem supportive of Kate, their unpredictability will fuel anxiety in Kate’s circle that Goldsmith could harm Kate, even if inadvertently, in his quest for attention.

Kate has been the subject of furious and vituperative online speculation and conspiracy theories since it was announced that she had undergone abdominal surgery and would be withdrawing from public view for several months as a result.

The palace has made it clear that they will not be pressured to change their strategy of keeping Kate out of the public eye, although this week Kate was seen in public for the first time, being driven by her mother after apparently leaving her children in the school.

The image was immediately seized on by some critics, who argued that it was orchestrated by the palace, in a vivid example of the impossibility of responding to all online criticism. Sources told The Daily Beast that the appearance was not staged for the cameras.

A friend of William and Kate told The Daily Beast: “Gary is a private citizen and can do whatever he wants, but he must have known better than to do so.” Eldest brother at this time it would fuel the feeding frenzy. It is, to say the least, inconsiderate.”

The friend added: “Kate and William have had every excuse to leave Gary but they never have. But if he says something embarrassing or reveals personal information, it will be the last straw.”

Another family friend said: “I couldn’t have picked a worse time. It is shameless to take advantage and it is thoughtless. But since the queen died, it’s pretty much been open season.”

Gary Goldsmith attends the 2017 wedding of his niece, Pippa Middleton, to his daughter Tallulah.

Gary Goldsmith attends the 2017 wedding of his niece, Pippa Middleton, to his daughter Tallulah.

Justin Tallis/Reuters

Asked if this meant they thought the late queen would have actively used her influence to prevent someone tangentially involved with the family like Goldsmith from appearing on a reality show, the friend said: “I just don’t think she would have dared if she had been alive.” . Now anyone seems to be able to do whatever they want without repercussions.”

However, a friend of Carole’s told The Daily Beast: “Gary is a lot of things but he’s not stupid. There is no way he would say anything that would jeopardize his relationship with the family. Mike Tindall did it I’m a celebrity Get me out of here and that was good, and I’m sure this will be good too.”

Goldsmith has said he did not ask Kate’s permission to be on the show, saying: “I don’t need to do that. Me being on the show has not been a topic of debate. “I love my family, they can trust me and everything will be fine.”

Not everyone may agree with him, but one person who does is royal author and aristocrat Lady Colin Campbell, a close friend of Princess Diana who appeared on the jungle-based reality show. I’m a celebrity in 2015. “I have a relaxed vision. He is a businessman and it is an ideal opportunity to defend his niece who cannot defend herself. When I was in the jungle I found it very easy to avoid certain topics if I wanted to, and I’m sure Gary has the courage to do that too. It’s easy enough, if you have any self-control, to refuse to be attracted.

“I’m sure the producers will encourage others to bring up Kate to try to get their money’s worth. It will be very interesting to watch and, who knows, it may even be entertaining.”

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