King Charles says messages of support after cancer diagnosis left him ‘in tears’


King Charles says messages of support after cancer diagnosis left him 'in tears'

The British monarch also said the messages had “made me cry most of the time.”

Buckingham Palace released a statement on Friday revealing King Charles III’s heartfelt response to the overwhelming support he has received since his cancer diagnosis earlier this month. The king has been deeply moved by the numerous messages of support he has received, and has often been “reduced to tears” by his good wishes. cnn reported.

The Palace also revealed that more than 7,000 letters and cards have arrived from around the world, expressing solidarity with the King.

Poignantly, the statement adds: “Those kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement,” Charles said.

The British monarch also said the messages had “made me cry most of the time.”

On February 6, Buckingham Palace announced that King Charles III, 75, had been diagnosed with an unspecified form of cancer. He would temporarily step away from public engagements while he was undergoing treatment.

The diagnosis came after a hospital procedure for an enlarged prostate in January.

While King Charles had suspended his public appearances, he recently resumed his official duties remotely. He was seen meeting Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on a video call, marking the continuation of his weekly meetings.

Despite the ongoing treatment, the King remains active as head of state, conducting his official business from his residence.

Buckingham Palace also shared some of the touching messages and well wishes the King received from the public.

One such message that sparked “much royal joy” was a card from an adult showing a drawing of a dog wearing a veterinary cone, with the caption “King Charles, at least you don’t have to wear a cone,” the Palace said. Buckingham. .

Another message read: “I wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you as you face your diagnosis and treatment and sending you prayers and all the best wishes for a speedy recovery.”

“Cheer up, stick your chest out, stay positive and don’t let it get you down. Believe me, it works, but the main thing is family.”

“Never give up. Be brave. Don’t exceed your limits. Get well soon,” said another.

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