Latest Airbender showrunner reacts to criticism


It was not an easy task to reinvent Avatar the last airbender as a live-action series for Netflix, and showrunner Albert Kim has spoken about the challenges of the process.

Now streaming on Netflix, Avatar the last airbender is a live-action reimagining of the original animated series. With the change in media, there have been some key differences in the new adaptation compared to the original show. Talking about the series with THR, Albert Kim said that it was impossible to make an adaptation that was as faithful as he would have really wanted it to be, since there was simply no budget to do certain scenes in live action. Kim also suggested that he understands the disappointment some fans might feel about the lack of scenes or characters in the remake, but the move to an entirely different format requires these changes.


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“Well, there are certain things you can draw that when you try to translate them into live action are incredibly complicated, both practically and financially,” he said. “tThere are so many epic sequences in the original series that I wish we could have done, but it would have broken the bank many times over.. The Northern Air Temple episode from the first season is an ending in itself, and if we had tried to do it we would be wasting all the resources right there. So we had to choose and The hardest part of this process was deciding what to leave behind. – and I’m sure there will be fans who are unhappy that they didn’t get their favorite episodes and favorite characters, and All I can say is that it hurts me too.“.

And he added: “I wish we could have done them all.but there’s the reality of creating eight-hour-long episodes for a serialized drama and also expanding the world in places and telling new parts of the story that haven’t been told before. That takes time. I think people think it’s as easy as saying, ‘Well, there are 20 half-hour episodes of the original.’ It’s 10 hours. And there are eight one-hour episodes of the new show, so they only needed to make two more episodes.’ But it’s not exactly one-on-one, so that was the process we went through.“.


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Albert Kim tried to maintain the spirit of the original

It is true that, for Albert Kim, the new series is not 100% faithful to the cartoons on which it is based. However, he was still making great efforts to try to maintain the same spirit of the original series. He says that as a fan of the original show, he wants fans to know that none of the decisions that were made were made lightly.

“So for the fans, I just hope that when they come and watch the show, they recognize that, Although this is not a note-for-note translation of the original, we remain faithful to the spirit of the original.“Kim explained. “Because, like them, we are fans first and foremost. And that’s how I approached the whole show: first as a fan, and then I put on my producer hat and started making the show.. I hope you realize that none of these decisions were made at random and that they were all very carefully considered, and that the ultimate test was whether or not that was true. We stayed true to what we felt was the spirit of Avatar.

Avatar the last airbender now streaming on Netflix.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Avatar TV Show Poster, The Last Airbender 2024

Avatar: The Last Airbender (Live Action)

A young man known as the Avatar must master all four elemental powers to save the world and fight an enemy bent on stopping him.

Release date
February 22, 2024

Daniel Dae Kim, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Dallas Liu, Tamlyn Tomita, Gordon Cormier

Main genre


Avatar the last airbender

Alberto Kim

Number of episodes

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