Latest iPhone 16 leaks, new iPad Pro specs, power of Apple’s browser | Top Vip News


Updated on February 17 with new display details for Apple’s next iPad Pro; Article originally published on February 15.

Taking a look at this week’s Apple news and headlines, including new iPhone 16 camera leaks, new App Store rules, MacBook Air acceleration, Apple Silicon plans revealed, new specs for the iPad Pro, the Apple Watch experiments and the Apple browser. force.

Apple Loop is here to remind you of some of the many discussions about Apple over the past seven days. You can also read my weekly roundup of Android news here on Forbes.

Details of the new iPhone 16 camera are leaked

The latest CAD drawings of the upcoming iPhone 16 reveal a new arrangement of the two camera lenses. The diagonal design has disappeared and a vertical layout has arrived. The winner? Tim Cook’s plans for a mixed reality headset:

“One of the main benefactors of this arrangement will be Apple’s mixed reality headset. The Apple Vision Pro can play stereoscopic videos; Apple has called its version spatial video. The vertical arrangement of the iPhone 16’s camera, when held in traditional landscape mode for video recording, place the lenses side by side, like digital eyes.


App stores can be just one developer

One of the biggest changes to the iPhone since Apple decided to allow third-party apps to run on a purchased smartphone is the ability for developers to run their own app store. While this is a feature unique to Europe, the dam has been unblocked and continues to open. While Apple stated that app stores not under its jurisdiction had to sell to multiple developers, it quickly changed its own rules to allow single-developer app stores:

“In response to the Digital Markets Act in the European Union, a rule change from Apple updates how app markets will work on the iPhone. These changes are now for EU residents, but governments around the world “They will look closely at whether they should adopt similar legislation… Today’s change means that marketplaces may choose to offer applications from a single developer.”


Another quicker MacBook Air tweak

Apple’s latest MacBook Air has had a small speed increase in terms of processing, but it also has a speed increase in accessing its SSD storage. A move from one 256GB SSD to two 128GB SSDs has unlocked the access speed.

“Not much has changed between the MacBook Air M2 and the MacBook Air M3. However, the change in SSD storage should not be overlooked. Testing has shown that the MacBook Air M3 features SSD write speeds that are approximately 33 “% faster and read speeds. which are about 82% faster. These speeds equal and sometimes exceed the speeds of the M1 MacBook Air.”

(iFixit via 9to5Mac).

It’s not the M4 from Star Trek

Sticking with the MacBook, a timeline for the next generation of Apple Silicon has been discussed. The M4 will continue the annual release cycle, meaning we have a good idea of ​​when the next laptops, desktops, and workstations will arrive.

(Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman) touched on a few other topics, including the fact that Apple apparently “just started formal development” of a new MacBook Pro with an M4 chip. He did not provide any additional details about the chip, which Apple has not yet announced. “(A traditional interval means that) the M4 chip would be launched in the first half of 2025. However, a launch in late 2024 is also possible if the interval is reduced to one year.”


A new iPad is coming

With an update to the iPad lineup scheduled for before the end of the month, what can we expect to see? Potentially new bright and vivid displays across the Pro range!

“One of the most anticipated elements of the next iPad Pro is that it is expected to swap a miniLED-backlit LCD display for an OLED display. Not only is this exciting, but it means that both the 11-inch and 12.9-inch models “The iPad Pros will have the same screen technology for the first time in years. Right now, only the larger 12.9-inch screen has the impressive miniLED lights. The 11-inch just has a regular LCD screen.”


The great victory of Samsung’s iPad Pro

Updated February 17: Ahead of the launch, which is now expected this week, more details have come to light about the big winner of the new display technology for the iPad Pro, and once again, it will be Samsung who will benefit of Apple’s use of new technology. Samsung Display will deliver components for each of the new iPad Pro models, an unusual choice since Apple tends to work with two different suppliers on each component:

“Samsung’s System LSI will be the sole display driver IC (DDI) supplier for the upcoming 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro models. The publication claims that Apple will use Samsung’s DDIs even for the models that will be equipped with OLED display panels. from the LG display.”

(ETNews through SamMobile).

New Apple Watch gestures planned

With its sights set on the Apple Vision Pro, Apple is experimenting with new gestures to navigate the Apple Watch user interface. A recently published patent talks about gestures that are performed outside the wearable screen.

“One of the most interesting new gestures described in the patent starts with the palm flat and fingers extended, then moves the fingers from side to side horizontally. If you play blackjack, you will be familiar with this move, as it is the same as saying to a dealer who would like to stand up… this “side to side” motion could be used to respond to a text message or answer a call and can be combined with other gestures. A clenched fist is essential for many new users .interface (UI) elements”.

(Apple Insider).

And finally…

The team behind the privacy-focused Brave web browser has seen an increase in downloads on iPhone, and it’s because Apple is giving users the option to choose a web browser instead of using Safari by default. Unsurprisingly, now that Brave is on the list, you can see an impact:

“Daily installs fluctuate between 7,500 and 10,000 for most of the period. However, on March 6, after the iOS update was released, there was a sharp increase in installs, rising to just over 11,000…” Monopoly advocates argue that monopolies simply offer better products. But as you can see, when consumers have a clear choice of iOS browsers, they choose alternatives to Safari,” he noted in his Twitter thread.

(Bravethrough ringing computer).

Apple Loop brings you seven days of highlights every weekend here at Forbes. Don’t forget to follow me so you don’t miss any coverage in the future. Last week’s Apple Loop can be read here, or this week’s edition of Loop’s sister column, Android Circuit, is also available on Forbes.

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