League shrugs off NFLPA resistance to hip drop ban | Top Vip News


The NFL is determined to ban the hip drop tackle. The NFL Players Association opposes this. The NFL is basically ignoring the union’s position as, simply put, predictable and consistent.

“I’ve been in that position before as a Players Association leader involved in a lot of the meetings,” NFL executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent said during a Thursday conference call with reporters about the rule changes. proposed. “There will always be resistance from the player when it comes to taking things away. There will be resistance and respect. There was resistance to removing the blind side block. There was resistance to removing the crackback block. There was resistance withdrawing the attack block. There was resistance to removing the collar from the horse. Again, I mentioned it earlier at the beginning, durability and availability are the number one and two aspect for any professional athlete and particularly for football players. I have a technique that causes a 20 to 25 percent injury rate when it occurs. I respect their position, but as guardians of the game. . . This is something we have to eliminate.

“The intention is not to throw more flags, but to examine during the week and eliminate that style of play. The last part is that I would love to and we always include player feedback and participation. We think it’s a totally player-driven league, a player-driven league and a coach-driven league. The more player participation, the more informed we will be
decisions. Lastly, I would just say it’s very important for us, as former players and many of us involved in leading that charge with the co-chairs of our player safety committee, led by Ronnie Lott and Curtis Martin, Orlando Page and that group, It is a phenomenal group that we all agree with and want to protect these young people from unnecessary risks. . . . We respect your position, but I have a 20 to 25 times higher injury rate. “It’s hard for us in the National Football League to walk out of a room and not address the issue.”

It was not clear during the call whether the risk of injury was 20 to 25 percent greater or 20 to 25 times greater. The league clarified that it is the latter. Even if there are questions about the methodology and precision of the formula that led to that figure, it is so high that it cannot be ignored.

And the numbers don’t really matter. We’ve seen what happens when a defender grabs the ball carrier, twists, falls, and lands on the ball carrier’s leg. The league first noticed the dynamic when exploring the source of ankle sprains. The hip drop tackle causes that injury and worse. The foot becomes trapped in an awkward position and the defender falls on the foot and lower leg.

Really, why would the union be against protecting players from these types of preventable injuries? Why would fans react so negatively?

For those fans now screaming that they should just play flag football, think of it this way. What can unrestricted tackles do for your fantasy team?

Although fantasy football and player prop betting tend to dehumanize players, this is a way to get fans to direct their own interest toward keeping the games’ running backs, receivers, tight ends, and quarterbacks healthy. .

Really, what do those players think about their union refusing to protect them? This rule protects them from a dangerous technique that has emerged in recent years.

We know it when we see it. She grabs, turns, falls. Grab, twist, drop. Football already has enough risks without the risks of an offensive player getting stuck under the weight of a defensive player who basically wraps his arms around the ball carrier and falls.

The NFL is determined to eliminate that technique from the game. Regardless of what the union or a vocal minority of fans say. By early next week, he will most likely no longer be in the game.

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