Line Man Telugu Movie Review


Movie name: Lineman

Release date : March 22, 2024 Rating: 2/5

Starring: Thrigun, Kaajal Kunder, B. Jayashree, Niviksha Naidu, Harini Srikanth, Sujay Shastry, Apoorva Shree

Director: V Raghu Sastry

Producers: purple rock entertainer

Music director: Kadri Manikanth

Director of photography: Shanthi Sagar H.G.

Editor: Raghunatha. l

Related links : Trailer

Actor Thrigun came up with a movie titled Lineman. Raghu Sastry directed this village drama and let’s see how it is.


Set in Satthipalli village of Khammam district, the film revolves around a strange decision taken by Lineman Natraj aka Nattu (Thrigun). Devudamma (Jayashree) is a revered midwife in Satthipalli who helped women across generations deliver her baby. Devudamma is about to turn 100 years old and on this special occasion, the entire village is planning a grand birthday party. But Nattu cuts the power grid to save four lives. He also informs everyone that the power will be out for a few more days. Why did Nattu make such a decision? Is that what Lineman is about?

Plus Points:

Thrigun is a naturally good performer and essayed the role of Nattu effortlessly on screen. His way of expressing his dialogues, his body language and his way of expressing his emotions in the second half are quite good. The lead actress Jayashree, who played the role of a midwife, has done a splendid job.

Bad points:

The film emphasizes that one has no right to take the lives of other living beings, but at the same time, the protagonist causes extreme trouble to the villagers by cutting off the electricity supply. The lives of many are put at stake to save four birds, which defeats the very purpose the film is trying to achieve. From newborn babies to the elderly, many live in the village, and the film does not explain why causing them discomfort is a good deed.

The solution shown in Lineman is not practically possible. At the end, some clips are shown saying that similar incidents occurred in a couple of towns. Well, this cannot be attributed to the majority of the population. The film also says that extreme mobile phone addiction affects human relationships. Well, not just mobile phones, but there are many other things for which we depend on electricity, and it is not possible to live without it, especially nowadays.

Mobile phones are not just for entertainment but have become an integral part of our lives in many ways. If the movie had emphasized social media addiction, it would have been sensible. Because of these factors, the message seems preachy. The execution is pretty bad for the most part and the film is not good technically.

Nothing happens in the first half and the comedy here is extremely irritating. The songs come for no reason, and the treatment in many sequences is almost like a daily soap opera. The slow pace will test patience levels big time. There are comedy tracks and separate subplots. They offer no value and increase problems.

Technical aspects:

The film scores low on technical aspects. The music, editing, cinematography and production values ​​are below average. The idea and presentation of the film are not convincing at all. Aside from Thrigun and a couple of characters, there is no lip syncing for other actors. The dialogues are poorly written.


Overall, Lineman revolves around a strange idea that is not practically possible and the narrative is very boring. The film also has many sequences that contrast quite a bit with the very concept it deals with. Thrigun and lead actress Jayashree are the only good things to talk about in this village drama. Hence, it is advisable to opt for other entertainment options this weekend. Rating: 2/5

Reviewed by 123telugu team

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