Lose Belly Fat Fast – Just Stop Eating These Types of Foods | Top Vip News


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Losing weight can be difficult, but there’s a simple way to jump-start the process, experts say: You’ll shed unwanted belly fat and feel better in just a few days.

There’s just one catch: That easy way is to stop eating certain types of foods that Americans are addicted to, often out of necessity, thanks to our go-go schedules that often don’t give us time to hang out in the kitchen. at home. Prepare meals from the Mediterranean Diet cookbook.

However, make the effort to cut back on this particular fuel, says one weight-loss professional, by switching to healthier alternatives, and you’ll be surprised what you can achieve, particularly in the notoriously tricky area of ​​the abdomen, where fat It builds up quite easily and very often lingers much longer than any of us would like.

Abdominal fat is easy to accumulate and difficult to lose, but this simple move could be the answer. TATIANA – stock.adobe.com

Lucy Jones is a dietitian and clinical director at Oviva, a weight management provider in the UK. She explained to the daily star That eating fewer “refined carbohydrates” can go a long way in the battle against obesity, a war worth fighting, considering the havoc that stomach fat can wreak on internal organs, not to mention the way it increases blood sugar. risk of heart problems. , diabetes and more.

“Targeting specific areas of the body is difficult, but there is evidence from studies like the Framlingham Heart Study that eating less sugar and refined carbohydrates, and instead replacing them with whole foods, can help reduce more belly fat,” Jones said. .

That means saying no to the plate of regular spaghetti, or an Italian sub on a white roll, switching to whole-grain versions: whole-wheat pasta and dark sourdough bread, for example. Healthy, of course, but they can also help in the weight loss process.

Instead of regular white bread, try wheat, rye, pumpernickel, or other darker breads. lisa870 – stock.adobe.com
Swap regular spaghetti for whole grains and see the difference it can make, one expert said. Markus Schröder – stock.adobe.com

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that compared a group of whole grain eaters to those who ate none showed that while refined carbohydrate eaters lost slightly more weight, whole grain eaters were able to melt” significantly more” fat in the abdominal region. , The Mirror reported.

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