Love horoscopes for March 20, 2024 – Venus in Pisces


Love continues to mature us, signs of the zodiac. We become increasingly aware of what love should be like when Venus is in Pisces and approaches Saturn. This is what you can do, according to your love horoscope for March 20, 2024, by zodiac sign.

What today’s love horoscope has in store for each sign of the zodiac on Wednesday, March 20, 2024:


You can’t predict love or how it will happen, but today you may discover that you are in love with a good friend. You may discover that your true love is already someone you know. It could be that love is before your eyes and has been all along.

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You shouldn’t have to earn the respect you deserve. And it can be discouraging to feel that a person has decided not to treat you with mutual kindness. On this day you may decide to request space and time to think. A little distance can give you the perspective you need.

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You can learn about love from all kinds of people, places, and experiences. You might discover some information in a podcast, a book, or a thought leader on social media. Be open and receptive to listen to what is being said and internalize it.

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Every day is a day to make new decisions and you may be ready to experience love in a new way. Ask yourself what you want from a partnership. Write a list of traits and then try to be them yourself for the person you hope to attract.

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This is a wonderful day for self-exploration. You may learn something new about yourself that gives you hope for the future and your romantic life.

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Some days open the door to resolutions and closure, and with Venus positioned in a specific way, you’re ready to let go of the past and move forward. Be willing to ask for forgiveness when necessary. Today can be a great day to make peace with someone you love.

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You have a big heart, Libra, and it may be difficult for you to see someone you care about suffer because of unnecessary decisions. Find it in your heart to let someone be who they are. While you may not always like their choices, it is their life to live as you live yours.

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You are an intense zodiac sign and when you feel something deeply, it’s hard to let it go and not do something about it. Things may be difficult right now, but with a little patience, love can take your relationship to new heights.

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You are smart and knowledgeable, but sometimes you assume so many things that you miss hearing your inner voice speak. This is a wonderful day for you to discover that you have everything you need within you. Self-love is strengthened today.

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Focus on the positive aspects of your relationships. People have difficult days; Sometimes it takes just one person to make things better for everyone. You could be that person who can see beyond the problems and guide everyone else toward a more positive outlook as well.

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Love begins with you. After a breakup, you have to get to know yourself again. It may take a little time to finally feel like you can love again.

Don’t try to rush the process. You may wish you could completely heal your heartache right now, but take the time you need. It will happen.

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Love is supposed to be easy, but when you’ve been with someone for a while, it also takes extra work. Today, you may find that you are willing and able to give a little more of yourself than in the past. You can find the inner strength to be patient and supportive even in the midst of adversity or disagreement with others.

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Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is YourTango’s Senior Horoscopes & Spirituality Editor. He studies at the Midwest School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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