March 25, 2024 Love horoscope for each zodiac sign


Full moons capture our attention, and when we experience the lunar eclipse during the full moon in Libra, some zodiac signs find they need to make changes in love. This has a unique impact on some zodiac signs, specifically Aries and Libra, as this is where the solar and lunar eclipses take place this year. This is what the stars have to reveal about Monday’s love horoscope.

What today’s love horoscope has in store for each sign of the zodiac on Monday, March 25, 2024:


Make room for love, Aries. Sometimes a friendship is not meant to last and a new partner could highlight this reality in your life. You may find that there is an internal struggle about what to do. You may not have to do anything. When your heart prepares you to be with your soul mate, the universe begins to close the doors that no longer need to be opened.

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Your daily habits really define you, Taurus. You may have certain ways you like to do things when you’re single, but when you’re in a new relationship, those same things need to be adjusted. This can be a day when you accept the fact that there is a clear divide between the life you had and the one ahead of you. It may be a little challenging, but out of love, you will do what you think needs to be done.

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You love romance, but there is something else that is more essential to a long-lasting love life, and that is being there for someone through the good times and the bad. Today, you may feel a strong desire to shower the person you love with your help. Instead of wasting time buying flowers or cooking a candlelit dinner, showing up to provide support, financial or emotional, can be the path to your partner’s heart.

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Do you attract the same type of person repeatedly when you go out? You may search for a particular feeling when you are with your partner, which could be how to heal your heart from the past. However, you may be ready to experience a different kind of love. When dating, focus on building connections rather than finding someone who meets the desires you’ve listed on your list of desired partners.

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Of course you want to be listened to with love, but today what they ask of you is that you listen. Listening to your partner or love interest can help you discover things about them that you didn’t know. The more you know a person, the more you can support them and show them that you care.

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Money is a very complex topic to address when you feel like your budget is stretched too thin or you disagree with your partner about what to buy or save. Today is ideal for creating a budget. You can start by making an appointment with a financial advisor who can help you define your partner’s goals. Remember that the goal is to have the life you both want but also to create financial stability.

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Awareness is essential in love and, when you are in a relationship, knowing who you are and what you need is essential. You may have been feeling a little lost lately when it comes to romance. But now is the time to cultivate a life of self-love and self-care. You can express your individuality and feel respected by your partner.

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It’s hard to let go of someone you once loved, even if it’s just in memory. On this day something miraculous could happen. You might find a photo or something that reminds you of an ex and not feel sad. It may be that you are finally over that person and can safely say that you have moved on. You have healed.

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A blind date? Meeting someone is not easy and you may be tired of trying to meet your soulmate through a dating app or online. Your friendship circle could be a safe bet to find your true love. Your friends have already investigated this person. It might feel like you’re getting to know a person you already know. Ask a friend to set you up. See where things lead.

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No more low standards when it comes to love. You may have allowed someone to disrespect you, but this day marks a new chapter in your life. You want mutual respect and trust. While you may have been more tolerant of cruelty or been treated poorly, this day is different. You want to be loved, cared for, and honored as you are to others.

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You are ready to see results in love and this day helps you put things into perspective. You could go to therapy and read self-help books about love, but unless your partner does the work too, you may feel like you’re reaching a dead end. Today you can stand firm. You can give an ultimatum.

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Sharing a secret about your past is a powerful way to increase intimacy and trust. But should you do it? You may feel like this is the right thing to do, but your hesitation is a sign that it’s better not to do it.

You can focus your energy on the future. Build strong memories that last and remind you why you are together and what you can accomplish as a team.

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Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is YourTango’s Senior Horoscopes & Spirituality Editor. He studies at the Midwest School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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